My great grandnephew, Nathan Kirk is a sweet baby boy who is growing up so fast. His first year is already behind him and he has accomplished so much. He is walking now, and he has stolen the hearts of his parents, Siara and Chris Kirk…along with everyone else he comes across. When he smiles, his whole face lights up, and that makes everyone else happy. I’m told that his name means “gift from Heaven” and nothing could be truer. Nathan is the rainbow baby of my grandniece, Siara, who lost her first son when he was just three months old. Nathan has helped her heal. She will always miss Alec, but Nathan has truly been a healing gift.
Nathan makes the cutest little faces, and he is very photogenic. I just love seeing the latest pictures of him. Nathan loves his mommy and daddy, and his face lights up when they come into the room. Of course, there have been many firsts in his short life. He loves things like singing with his grandma, Chantel Balcerzak. He has also been very busy filling his mouth up with lots of teeth. His mommy and Daddy better get ready to start making his steaks…now that he has teeth.
Nathan has been initiated into the world of sports too. He has attended football games in Laramie with his parents, watching the Wyoming Cowboys. And I’m sure his grandpa, Dave Balcerzak has introduced him to the Pittsburgh Steelers too. I’m not sure who his daddy likes, but if it’s not the Steelers, I’m sure he is initiating Nathan into the other team too. No matter what, I know that Nathan will like lots of different kinds of sports, because he is his daddy’s boy, after all, not to mention his cheerleader mommy’s boy. It would be hard to be
their kid without liking sports. Nevertheless, right now, he has other things on his mind. Things like learning to talk, run, and of course, eat. Boys always have big appetites.
Nathan’s real name is Nathaniel, but he has gone by both versions since he was born. Of course, there are other nicknames too, but I think most people call in Nathan. As with all kids, the nicknames he might use later on with be of his own choosing or something someone gives his that just sticks. Whatever nickname he uses later on, I know it will fit him perfectly. For now, he is too busy just getting to be a big boy. Today is Nathan’s 1st birthday. Happy birthday Nathan!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
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