Our aunt, Esther Hein is the middle child in my father-in-law’s family, but because her mom, Vina Hein was married and divorced, Esther is the oldest of the youngest kids. In fact, because her siblings, Marion and Walt were quite a bit older than Esther, she was really the oldest for her whole young life. Of course, she always knew that Marion and Walt were her older siblings, but I expect she always thought of them more as aunt and uncle, than siblings.

During her school years, Esther would often stay with my in-laws, because there were times that roads were closed, and it would have been impossible to get her to school. Of course, while my in-laws had a daughter of their own by then, she wasn’t old enough to “give them any sass” and so they may not have been used to that. It wasn’t that Esther was particularly “sassy” or anything, but kids will be kids. She and my mother-in-law, her sister-in-law, Joann Schulenberg “locked horns” a few times. I only know that because my mother-in-law told me the story. When Esther did something my mother-in-law didn’t want her to, she would tell her, “Don’t Esther!!” When I was caring for her when she had Alzheimer’s Disease, and I “made” her go to bed, she would sometimes say, “Don’t Esther!!” I figured, at least for that moment, I didn’t have to take the blame for being the bad guy!! Hahahaha!!

When I was getting ready to marry my husband, he decided that I should cut his hair. I tried to tell him that I didn’t know how, but he said it was easy, just trim it. He didn’t consider that I had sisters, and the only trimming we did was straight across. So, that’s what he got. Oh…my goodness!! It was awful!! His mom fixed it, as much as was possible, and then when we were in Forsyth, Montana, visiting Grandma and Grandpa Hein at the same time as Esther was once, Bob had her cut his hair, because she was a cosmetologist. She graciously taught me how to cut a man’s hair, and since Bob was brave, he let me try again. Woo Hoo!! Success!! And today I always cut his hair. Thanks Esther!! Today is Esther’s 84th birthday. Happy birthday Esther!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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