In thinking about the story for my niece, Katie Balcerzak, I decided to enlist the help of her sisters. In my experience, sisters often have great stories about their sisters, and great pictures too. Katie’s sister, Bernnie Steadman tells me that one of her favorite memories of their childhood is when they moved to a new house on Brentwood Street. Where the girls had shared a room before, they now got their own rooms. As exciting as that was, the girls were used to sleeping with each other, so every night Bernnie would hear the pitter patter of Katie’s little feet coming downstairs to Bernnie’s bedroom. Bernnie loved to read and would often stay up late, totally immersed in a novel, so Katie would always bring one of her storybooks with her, so they could lay in bed and read together. Bernnie, being an avid reader would read out loud to Katie sometimes or they would just read their individual books. Katie could never outlast Bernnie, and always fell asleep first and Bernnie
would shut off the light and read by flashlight, so not to disturb her sweet little sister.
This memory of Katie as a little girl is very different than the Katie we know today, but there are things in the story that I can totally see in how Katie is today, especially with her sisters, and with her kids, Reece and Aysa. Katie is a great mom, and her kids, much like her are always laughing and smiling. Katie has been perfect for Keifer since the day she was born, and they have known theirs was the perfect match since they were kids in school. I’m sure that Keifer took one look at Katie, and he was hooked. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out.
Bernnie wanted me to know about Katie’s very endearing qualities. Katie was always a happy kid, and she has the best laugh. In fact, her laugh is contagious. When the girls were kids, Bernnie tried to be silly all the time, just to get Katie laughing. Once she got started, all the sisters would be giggling. They couldn’t stop, because every time they would stop, one or the other would start back up, especially Katie. Katie has such a kind heart and out of all the sisters, she’s always the first one to forgive. That is a very special quality indeed. We think sometimes that we can always go back and make up with our siblings, but some people can’t. That ability to forgive quickly keeps the lines of communication open, and the hearts softened. The person who can forgive and forgive quickly is a rare gem indeed. Bernnie says that Katie was always the peacemaker, if they were upset with each other. And today they are all the very best of friends. That is truly such great a blessing!! Today is Katie’s birthday. Happy birthday Katie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
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