Monthly Archives: May 2024

As sometimes happens, children grow up and start hanging out with the wrong crowd. Soon they are in trouble, and it falls to their parents to get them back on the right track. So, what if their parents got them on the wrong track in the first place? Such, it seems was the case with Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, better known as Bonnie and Clyde. No one really knew about the inner workings of Bonnie and Clyde’s gang of thugs. Still, the evidence was mounting, even if the payoffs to the police kept most of that information from getting to the people who needed it.

After Bonnie and Clyde, as well as Clyde’s brother Marvin “Buck” Barrow were killed, the US Government began their investigation against most of the Barrow clan, including Clyde Barrow’s mom, Cumie Barrow. In all, more than a dozen family members were put on trial. Strangely, Clyde Barrow’s dad, Henry was not among then. The main focus was on Clyde’s mom, Cumie Barrow. During his closing argument, US attorney for the Northern District of Texas, Clyde O Eastus made a surprising allegation. Pointing at Clyde’s mother, Cumie Barrow, Eastus roared: “She is the ringleader in this conspiracy!” Of course, he was right. I find it odd that she had been given a Hebrew name. If you recall, during one of His miracles, Jesus said to a young girl who had died, “Talitha Cumi” which means “Young girl, arise.” Cumie’s parents turned it around a little and changed the spelling of Cumi to Cumie, but the meaning is still there, just translated “Arise, young girl.” Ironically, Cumie did arise, but it was not to do good, nor was it in any way miraculous, but rather pure evil.

Eastus was probably embellishing his point for the Dallas jury a little bit, by putting Cumie front and center, but he did so because she admitted meeting regularly with the fugitives and was known to provide them with food, clothing and other comforts. Still, when we look back on Bonnie and Clyde’s history, the claims made by Eastus were likely spot on. Cumie was in this a deep as anyone, and especially as deep as Bonnie and Clyde. Reports indicate that Henry and Cumie always lived modestly in their little house, running their service station, and for all intents and purposes not possessing any large amounts of money. It is said that Bonnie and Buck’s wife, Blanche gave some money to their mothers, but the bulk of the money the men stole went to Cumie, to be managed and doled out as needed. It mostly went to the boys and their partners, and to the police, judges, and anyone else that Cumie needed to buy off to save her sons from going to jail. Cumie truly was the woman behind Clyde Barrow.

The police and judges in that era were often under paid and under trained, so it was much easier to bribe them, and Cumie would do whatever it took. Cumie worked very hard to paint herself as the loving mother, who was just looking out for her sone. She was almost certainly more complicit than that. Cumie Walker was born near Swift, Texas, in 1874. She married Henry Barrow just after she turned 17. She was far more literate than her husband, who had been sickly and never went to school. The couple started farming, but they were unsuccessful. As their family grew, Cumie became savvy in survival skills. In 1922 they moved to Dallas and Henry began peddling scrap.

In early 1930, he met and fell head over heels for Bonnie Parker, an animated, petite blond who was separated from her teen husband. Just a few weeks later, though, Clyde was arrested and eventually sent to Waco, Texas, where he was quickly tried and convicted for several thefts and burglaries. Authorities in Houston then blamed him for a murder several months before. With Clyde facing 14 years in prison and a murder charge, Cumie gave an interview to the Waco News-Tribune, insisting he was in Dallas, not Houston at the time of the murder. She attributed his troubles to falling in with a bad group of young men and noted, correctly, that he had previously been charged, but never convicted, of a crime. She also told a whopper: “Clyde was just 18 last Monday.” In reality, he was at least two years older than that. Nevertheless, she knew that the state tended to be more lenient with teens, so she did what she had to do. The reality is that he was likely 21.

The murder charge was dropped when another suspect emerged. But when Clyde arrived at the state penitentiary to serve his sentence, he listed his age as 18. Then Cumie told an even bigger lie. She said that her son was needed at home, because she was widowed, and he was needed to help provide for the family. She and Henry had moved their tiny hand-built house to a West Dallas lot where Henry ran a modest filling station from a front room. Henry Barrow was very much alive.

The corruption in those days was definitely cringeworthy. Either Cumie or her lawyers also collected recommendation letters from the sheriff who held Clyde in the Waco jail, the judge who sentenced him, and other officials who supported his release. He should never have been released, and the people he murdered after being released might have lived full lives, had he not been released. Nevertheless, the state pardon board concurred, recommending his parole because “Barrow was only 18 years old when he got into his trouble,” and he would go home to “support and care for” his mother. Of course, Clyde did support his mother, but not by honest means. Within a year, he was linked to at least four murders, some kidnappings, and all kinds of robberies. Still, his mother was quick to defend him, portraying him as “a kind son who came by the gas station just after Christmas to give her a hug and kiss.” She worried aloud that “We may hear any minute that he’s dead.” She claimed that she asked him if he had killed anyone, and he promptly told her, “Mother, I haven’t never done anything as bad as kill a man.” She insisted, “Everybody likes Clyde, you know,” sharing some family photos of her son. Looking at one of them, she sobbed. “Clyde…isn’t a… murderer.”

By July 1933, her son Buck was dying from injuries suffered in two shootouts, including a bullet to his head. Cumie was devastated. She immediately drove with several family members to Iowa. Again, she stood by Clyde, refusing to urge him to turn himself in. She knew that if he surrendered, he would almost certainly be executed. She said, and if he didn’t surrender, officers would likely shoot to kill. “So, I’m going to let him live his last few days the way he wants to.” Bonnie and Clyde were killed on May 23, 1934.

In an early 1935 trial, after closing arguments, the all-male jury found everyone guilty. Even though prosecutor Eastus had condemned Cumie Barrow, the lenient Judge William Atwell struggled to sentence her. Her influence still held firm. Finally, he said, “Perhaps sixty days in jail will suffice.” Then, he asked Cumie, “What do you think of the sentence? Is it fair?” Her eyes red from crying, Cumie looked at him, her hands clasped together. She implored, “Judge, won’t thirty days be long enough? I am needed at home.” And in true corruption style, the judge said, “Thirty days in jail.” Cumie died August 14, 1942, at home, after being sick for three or four weeks. She was 67 years old. Of her seven children, Buck and Clyde were dead, two daughters who lived in Dallas had no police records, and the other three were in prison. What a hideous legacy she left.

Like most people have, whether they call it that or not, my grandnephew, Xander Spethman had a bucket list and goals for the year before he turned 21. He accomplished most of those goals. He was able to travel outside of the United States, taking a trip with his girlfriend, Alli Simpson, and her family, to Jamaica. During that trip, another item on his list was fulfilled when he saw the ocean for the first time. They had a great trip, going snorkeling, parasailing, zip lining, trying new foods, and experiencing a different culture. Jamaica is a fun place to visit. It’s always in party mode, and they had an amazing time.

A goal that Xander set on his 20th birthday was to find a good job and work his way up the company. Xander is currently working for Caspar Building Systems and is coming up on his 1-year anniversary with them. Xander was able to be a part of building 12 beautiful buildings for Casper’s community. Xander loves going to work to be able to provide for his family and enjoys being able to come home and cuddle with all his babies at the end of the day. Xander is a dog dad, and his babies, of the fur variety love their daddy very much. They get all excited when he comes home and can’t wait to cuddle with him.

Xander and Alli are very close with his family. Xander takes being the big brother very seriously. Recently, he bought his little sister, Aleesia, a guitar, because she wants to learn how to play. While Xander and Alli have a place of their own, they spend most evenings with his family. That closeness will always be an important part of their lives. They hang out with his family, because he considers his family his friends. His mom, Jenny tells me, “Xander loves his mom, but his dad (Steve Spethman) is his hero.” Xander has grown into an amazing adult. His parents often ask for his perspective on many things, including parenting. Sometimes, it’s a big help to get a young person’s perspective on one’s children. Sometimes, one child can’t make it easier to understand what another child is going through. Xander has grown into a fine young man.

The end of the summer will find Xander and Alli making yet another big change. They will be moving to Fort Collins, Colorado so that Alli can continue her education. This is likely to be a “culture shock” for the whole family, because they are so close. Nevertheless, Jenny tells me that she is “excited for her son to have new opportunities and to watch him grow.” We all wish them well. Today is Xander’s 21st birthday. Happy birthday Xander!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My sister-in-law, Brenda Schulenberg is a very special kind of person. She has a strong sense of fairness when it comes to how people should be treated. She also has a deep kindness toward people. Because of these two things, she is always kind to all people, regardless of the situation. I don’t say that things and situations can’t frustrate her and even produce anger, as can happen to all of us, but Brenda is mostly even tempered, and nice to people. It is a trait that has served her well all her life and will continue to do so for the rest of it.

It’s funny how sometimes, we can step into, or almost stumble upon the job that will become our career, with little or no planning on our part. That is really what happened to Brenda. She got a job in banking right out of high school, and that job has become a career that has spanned the last 43 years. It will be the career from which she will retire in the near future. Her career in banking, however, has not afforded her “banker’s hours” as most of us might think. Brenda has worked in Human Resources for a long time, and while most of us think Human Resources is all about hiring and firing, and it is, her job also takes on payroll, and tax preparation for a number of companies. With that, the traditional “banker’s hours” have a tendency to go out the window. Brenda has been known to work from 8:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night, and not on occasion. She does that quite often…especially during tax season. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m, quite sure that those hours will not be missed when she retires.

Brenda is a social person and loves spending time with friends and family. She has a core group of friends, but she is also a friend to many other people. People just naturally like Brenda, and that makes it so easy for her to make friends. She has been a part of my life since she was eleven years old. She became my sister-in-law when she was twelve years old. After all those years, she really isn’t my sister-in-law, but rather she is my sister…and I can’t imagine life without her in it. She has been there during the best of times, and the hardest of times…those times of sickness and loss. I can’t imagine how hard it would have been to take care of her aging parents, if she and the rest of the family had not been there to help. She was so important to their care, and they were always grateful for her help. Today is Brenda’s birthday. Happy birthday Brenda!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

In centuries past, men could only be knighted for some kind of military bravery or prowess, but since 1917, by proclamation of King George V the reigning British monarch at the time, Britain has been awarding memberships into The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, better known as British Order of Knighthood, to reward both civilian and military wartime service, to men and women, which makes sense since women are in the military now, and there are often civilian participants in some operations of war.

If that was the only change, it might have been ok, but in 1918, a separate military division of the order was created, that allowed persons of renown (basically celebrities) to be brought into the order as well. The five classes of both civil and military divisions, listed in descending order and conferred on men and women equally, are Knight and Dame Grand Cross (GBE), Knight and Dame Commander (KBE and DBE, respectively), Commander (CBE), Officer (OBE), and Member (MBE). Conferment of the two highest classes entails admission into knighthood, if the candidate is not already a knight or dame, and the right to the title of “Sir” or “Dame” as appropriate. (Knights and Dames Grand Cross, together with Knights of the Garter and of the Thistle, may be granted the use of supporters with their arms.) Appointments are usually made on the recommendation of the British Secretary of State for Defense and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. It seems strange to me that it would happen like that.

I understand that they were trying to include more people, but in doing so, it seems to me that the honor is cheapened, somehow. These days, being knighted holds a much different meaning than it used to. Nations with a monarch as their head of state would, once upon a time, issue knighthoods to their loyal subjects and foreign citizens who have done great deeds for their country. Today, you can still earn a knighthood through military prowess, but you can also earn one if your artistic, scientific, or civil service “shines greatly” upon the crown. Really?? Of course, you could also be a genocidal Marxist dictator who overthrows the government and you’ll eventually be knighted…or you could just be a penguin…I mean it!!! To me, being knighted for anything other than extraordinary service to the country makes the award of little to no value. I don’t dispute these actors and others right to recognition, it’s just that knighthood doesn’t seem the place for it.

My niece, Dustie Masterson, says of her husband Rob Masterson, “My husband is a very thoughtful man. Not just in big gestures but in the more meaningful way. He will just randomly show up at my work with my favorite coffee from my favorite coffee shop. Or he notices what I’ve been eating and makes sure that there is ALWAYS some on hand for at home and at work. He did a biggie this year though and bought me a new wedding band. I’m not a real flashy kind of girl (after all I have the best husband that’s all I really need) but he realized I was having a reaction to my ring and couldn’t wear it anymore. Off he went to hunt down a new band. He said he spent hours driving the employees crazy looking at every ring they had. He really thought they were just about over his pickiness. Until he found it, the perfect ring.” Dustie’s new ring is the most beautiful and elegant ring she has ever seen, let alone owned, and it came straight from his heart. It is a beautifully set diamond in black hills gold. No one really knows this, but Dustie absolutely loves black hills gold. She thinks she might have mentioned it when they were in the Black Hills when their 19-year-old son, Matthew was a baby. Rob has a really good memory. He not only remembers the “little” daily things, but he also remembers things from eons ago that he really doesn’t have to. Dustie says, “He does this because he is a very loving thoughtful husband. I’m so proud to say I’ve known him for 25 of his 50 years and I can’t wait for the next 50 or so.”

Rob and Dustie have three children together, as well as a bonus daughter, Christina Masterson, for his first marriage. Their oldest daughter, Raelynn says that her dad sometimes calls her Raelynn, but usually he calls her Raelynn Dawn. It wasn’t something she really noticed until recently when we were ordering a Mother’s Day gift. She really likes that, because it’s something only her daddy does. Every time she hears him calling her, that it feels special, because he doesn’t do it with her siblings. He usually just calls them their middle names without the first names, or just their usual nicknames. Raelynn is reminded that because her dad is turning 50, he is officially halfway to 100. She says that’s hard to wrap her head around, and I would have to agree. As his aunt, I’ve known him all of those 50 years. Raelynn loves going to the shooting range with her dad to practice shooting. She says, “He hasn’t said it, but I think he feels a bit better that I want to carry a gun wherever I can.” These days, that’s not a bad idea. She has been trying to spend more time with him, and even plans to learn how to sharpen knives with him because it’s something they are both interested in. It helps Rob relax knowing she can take care of herself. Recently, Rob has been taking care to hydrate more and eat healthier. He is taking better care of himself, so he can stay around for his family and be there for their important milestones. Raelynn is very proud of her dad and loves him very much. She says, “I love my dad, and the effort he is going through. It is so important and makes me so, so proud to call myself his daughter.”

Rob’s son, Matt says, “My Dad has always been my hero. He is such an amazing man I hope that one day I can live up to what he expects of me. He always does things for me even when I don’t ask him to. And he just puts a lot of thought behind the things he does for me. I couldn’t ask for a better Dad!” His daughter, Taylor says, In the past year, Dad has started teaching me to drive, and spend more time with us as a family. He was so calm about his knee surgery and has helped us through all the toughest times. I can say with my full heart that I love and appreciate him more than anyone could know.”

Rob is my sister, Cheryl Masterson’s only son. She says, “Robbie is a very kind-hearted man. Very even-tempered and easy to like and get along with. He always has been since the day he was born! Even as a little kid, he loved and protected his sisters, and they appreciated him so much. He teased them a lot, too, but they all loved him! He loves his wife and children the same way. He is protective of them, and he teases them, too! They all have a lot of fun together! He is also good to his mother. Early last winter, my outdoor faucet broke and was pouring out water at 2:00 in the morning. I had to call Robbie. He got up at 2:00 in the morning and came over to take care of the problem for his mother! On his birthday, he will get the air conditioner going in my living room, so the house stays cool for the summer. He’s a good son, and I love him! I hope this, his 50th year is absolutely blessed beyond all he could ask or hope!” As you can see, Rob is very much loved, and his family can tell you about how special he is and how important he is to them far better than I could. Today is Rob’s 50th birthday!! Happy birthday Rob!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My sister, Caryl Reed has had a busy year this year. She and her husband, Mike Reed own a 35-acre ranch west of town, and for several years now, they have been growing hay for sale. It’s a big job, with big equipment. They bought a Commercial Farm Irrigation System, which is very impressive…to those of us who live in the city anyway. That makes watering their crops so much easier. They were boarding horses for a while, but with the distance to their place, it was hard to keep the horses. They hare happy without horses for now. That might change later, I suppose, because Caryl really does like horses.

In mid-November 2023, Caryl and Mike took a trip out to Oregon to visit their kids, Allen and Gaby Beach. From there, they went on a camping trip in the area. Allen and Gaby showed them some places they knew of, and they showed them some places they had found. The four of them had such a nice trip, and the dogs all enjoyed it too. One of the highlights was their visit to Crater Lake, which was a favorite of our parents, Allen and Collene Spencer, but the entire trip was amazing. They visited the Redwoods and parts of California, and the Oregon coast. They had a fantastic time.

Caryl and Mike feel so blessed to have been able to live on their ranch. They have wanted this for a long time. In fact, it is their retirement home, and every morning, when they get up, they feel a deep degree of blessing as they look out at the beautiful view they have been blessed with. Over the years, Caryl has lived in a number of places, such as California, Washington, and Idaho, but no place ever really felt like home until she returned to Wyoming, and while she lived in Rawlins for a while, Casper was where she was born and raised, and it is the place she really calls home. For my sisters and me, having Caryl back in Casper has been a really great blessing too. When she lived in all those other places, there was always that hole in the family, where she and her family should have been. We are a close family, and we like having everyone close. Of course, that can’t always happen. Each of us have children and grandchildren that live far away, and we really miss them every day. Today is Caryl’s birthday. Happy birthday Caryl!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My brother-in-law, Mike Stevens, has had a busy year. Shortly after his youngest daughter, Lacey’s wedding to Chris Killinger, Mike got his hip replaced. He really needed to have it replaced before the wedding, but he did not want to be laid up during the wedding. He was determined to walk his little girl down the aisle, and to do it without a cane. That was very important to him!! He did his best to do as much as he could to give Lacey her dream wedding. Chris and Lacey did a lot too, as well as Chris’ dad to make that happen, and it was gorgeous. The wedding was in late October, and his surgery was in mid-November.

Mike was in so much pain last summer, that he couldn’t play much golf or do much hunting. He did go on a fishing trip to Alaska with brother-in-law, Mike Reed and Mike Reeds brothers-in-law. While he was in some pain, he persevered, and the guys had a great time. He is planning to play a lot of golf this summer and go hunting in the fall, because the knee surgery he was hoping to avoid is going to have to take place this November. Another thing Mike and my sister, Alena Stevens plan to do before his knee replacement is to travel to Mississippi and the other gulf states. Then, Alena can cross those states off of her bucket list. They are very excited about that trip.

Mike also really enjoys watching Barrett-Jackson auctions. They auction all manner of vehicles and depending on the vehicle they can bring in well over $100,000. One day, he hopes to go to some of these auctions. His brother-in-law, Mike Reed is restoring and 61 ford flatbed pickup, two corvettes and 80’ish short bed pickup. Mike Stevens (Yes, we have to distinguish between the brothers-in-law with last names, hahaha!!) enjoys coming out to help him with these sometimes. Mike has been helping Mike Reed restore a couple of cars too. The guys have had a great time with that process. Both men are mechanics, and love working on these older cars.

And of course, one of the highlights of the Stevens family summer is the annual Stevens family reunion every fourth of July. They all meet up out at Pathfinder Reservoir to swim, suntan (the girls anyway), play horseshoes, and probably some other games, to see who the reigning champions will be for the next year. They even have trophies for the winners. It’s shaping up to be a great summer for Mike!! Today is Mike’s birthday!! Happy birthday Mike!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandniece, Katy Herr is living her dream life of being a wife and mother. She and her husband, Dylan are parents of Max Robert Herr, who was born on June 14, 2020, and is now coming up on three years old. The day Max was born was literally one of the happiest days of Katy’s life. She had wanted to be a mom for so long, and now she is loving every minute of it. I most often see Katy when she is doing her shopping at Walmart…isn’t that where everyone sees people. It seems to be the place we meet up with all our friends and family. Katy and Max are always having such sweet mommy-son moments. She is totally focused on him and he loves the attention she gives him.

They also “workout” together, or in reality. Katy works out and Max is her self-appointed personal trainer, and he takes his job very seriously, regularly “kicking his mom’s butt” with the exercises he makes her do. While it’s a lot of work, and probably very tiring, Max keeps her focused, and as his daddy says, “29 looks amazing” on her. It just goes to show you that hard work and a “brutal” trainer will definitely produce a great outcome. Katy should get some of the credit, I suppose, after all, she is the one doing the workout and sticking with the program. No workout program is easy, because our bodies are naturally “lazy” and would rather sit and watch television. Sticking with a workout plan, like Katy has done, takes perseverance and determination.

Dylan owns several branches of Red Wing Shoe Stores in Colorado and Wyoming, with his dad and brother. He participates in charitable giving, and Katy is the perfect person to have by his side at these events. They make a very handsome couple. They are both very involved in the community of Casper, where they live. Max is their smiling little sidekick, and he puts a smile on their faces every day. Dylan is Katy’s soulmate, and together, they are building a beautiful life. I am very happy for them. When Katy met Dylan, her life change like taking a complete 180° turn. Prior to that she was doing ok, but not like the change that took place when she met Dylan. Then life was grand. Today is Katy’s birthday. Happy birthday Katy!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

Flight has always been an obsession with humans. In the early 11th century, an English Benedictine monk named Eilmer of Malmesbury, attempted a gliding flight using wings he had made. The “flight” went pretty well. It is said that he “flew” about 220 yards, before crashing and breaking both his legs. I suppose you could call that a flight, thereby making it the first winged flight in history, but the reality is that it was quite likely the first “crash” instead. Apparently, this “flying monk” made his maiden flight.

As the story goes, Eilmer of Malmesbury built himself a pair of wings around the year 1005. He then climbed up onto a tower and proceeded to jump off. He managed to glide into a headwind for about 220 yards. Unfortunately, the headwind was quite strong, and combined with a bit of a panic on the part of the “flying monk” he began to descend rapidly…ie crash. He ended up veering off to the side and crashing. I hardly thing what he did could be called a flight. To me it couldn’t even be called a controlled crash. Basically, he jumped off a roof and after the few seconds it took to travel 220 yards, he dropped like a rock. It’s very possible that he found himself at the mercy of his own rash decision to take on such a venture.

Eilmer of Malmesbury, survived the “crash landing” but with both legs broken. He survived the crash and his broken legs healed, but in those days, the setting of his legs couldn’t have been good, and most likely wasn’t done at all. With that working against him, Eilmer of Malmesbury walked with a limp for the rest of his life. Eilmer used a bird-like apparatus to glide downwards against the breeze. Unfortunately, he was unable to balance himself forward and backwards, as does a bird by slight movements of its wings, head and legs. He would have needed a large tail to maintain that equilibrium. While, Eilmer could not have achieved true soaring flight, he might have glided down safely with a tail. Eilmer said he had “forgotten to provide himself with a tail.” I guess every endeavor has its flaws, and this was no exception.

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