As my grandnephew, Chris Spicer graduates from Rawlins High School today, he will be looking forward to a number of changes coming very quickly. Following graduation, Chris and his mom, Andrea Beach will be moving to Casper, to be near family. Chris’ grandparents, Caryl and Mike Reed lived in Rawlins until last July, and when they moved to Casper, there was nothing keeping Chris and his mom in Rawlins, except that Chris was in going into his senior year at Rawlins High School…definitely not the time to move and switch schools. So, Andrea and Chris made the decision to stay in Rawlins for one more school year. Now that year in over and by June 1st, Chris and his mom will be living in Casper and checking out the job market.
Chris has had a few ideas about what he wants to do with his life, and he has decided to attend Casper College, and major in Graphic Design. Since I didn’t really know all the aspects of graphic design, I decided to research that field a little bit. I found that, “Graphic designers can work in a variety of industries and create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They work with print or digital media and design a variety of projects like advertisements, logos, packaging, websites, and more. They use design elements and layouts to achieve artistic or functional effects. They may work in specialized design services, publishing, or advertising, public relations, and related services industries.” Basically, that tells me than the career possibilities are endless, and I know that Chris will have lots of career opportunities.
For now, Chris will be getting a job while going to school, but he is not sure what he will go for right now. I
suppose it depends on what is available. But before all that, Chris, his mom, and his grandma will be taking their annual Black Hills trip. The trip has been a tradition for years now, and they look forward to it very much. This is a trip where Mike (Caryl’s husband) stays home to let the three of them have some bonding time. It has been an important time for the three of them, and it is great of Mike to give them that time. Chris and his mom are going to be going through a lot of changes, but they are positive changes that will greatly improve their lives, but this day is all about graduation. Today, Chris takes that important first step!! He graduates from high school!! Congratulations on your successful public-school career and on your graduation from Rawlins High School, Chris!! We are all so proud of you!!
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