My nephew, Barry Schulenberg has a year as a supervisor under his belt now, and he has decided that he really likes being the one in charge. It’s not about being power hungry, but rather about helping his workers to become the best team they can be. The job they do is important to people of this county. Barry is a supervisor for the Highway Department, and his area is Natrona County. He is dedicated to keeping our highways safe for the people who drive on them, and he does an excellent job.
Barry had never considered being the boss, until this position was offered to him. Since he was a little kid, hanging out with his grandpa, my father-in-law, Walt Schulenberg, all Barry wanted to do was to be a mechanic…just like his grandpa. In fact, Barry simply couldn’t see the need to go to school when his grandpa needed him to help out in the garage. Of course, that was Barry as a five-year-old, and he soon realized that school was important too…unfortunately. These days, as the supervisor, I’m sure he is thankful for his education, which allowed him to be promoted to the position he now holds.
Barry loves his job, but it is not his whole life. On his off-duty time, Barry likes to hang out with his wife Kelli and their dog, Scout. He loves camping, hiking, bicycling, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. He also loves to travel and go to concerts…a passion he and Kelli share. The have a place out in the country as well, that provides them the peace and quiet they enjoy. He can often be found in the summertime, mowing on is riding mower, or watering the trees, when he isn’t relaxing or playing with Scout. The Big Horn Mountains is one of their favorite places to go camping, and like many other Wyomingites, the summer fires up there have left them concerned for their favorite camping spots. Last summer’s fire was one that was almost unheard of in prior years. Much of the forest, including a lot of the campgrounds were damaged. I’m sure it will be with great anxiety that people will head back up there this summer.
All in all, it has been a great year for Barry. He and Kelli have done some traveling, and Barry has had to travel for meetings and such for his job, but it has been good. I don’t suppose most people like meetings, and I don’t know how Barry feels about them, but it has been a real learning experience for him, and while it isn’t the way he thought his life would turn out, I know that being a supervisor was the next logical step, and one he can be proud to have taken. Today is Barry’s birthday. Happy birthday Barry!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
When my brother-in-law, Mike Stevens retired on July 1, 2022, our nephew, Ryan Hadlock, who had worked with his uncle for quite some time at Contango Energy, was promoted to the position. Ryan hadn’t been groomed for the new position, but they saw something in him…the ability to excel. Now, over a year later, Ryan is doing great at his job. He really enjoys the work, is well respected, and always received high praise from his bosses. Ryan knew the work that the men under him were to do, because that was the work he had done, but knowing the job, isn’t what makes him good at being a supervisor. That is something that not everyone can do, but Ryan is quite good at it.
Ryan is quite handy in many ways. He and his wife, Chelsea recently helped his parents, Chris and Allyn Hadlock replace an old fence on their property. They did a great job, and now that fence will stand strong for a number of years to come. Fencing is hard work, but Ryan is no stranger to hard work, and he really loved helping his parents. Ryan likes working with his hands. This past summer, he and Chelsea rebuilt the retaining wall at their house. Chelsea was quite impressed with Ryan’s abilities on the jackhammer, that he used to get the old wall out. I’ve never used a jackhammer, but I’ve heard that the person using it had better be pretty strong, because it’s quite the job.
Like his dad, Ryan could be an expert carpenter, but recently, Ryan has found that he is interested in watches, and the repair thereof. For anyone who has ever seen the inside of a watch, you know that there are about a zillion very small pieces in there, and if everything isn’t put back together just right, the watch will not work, so watch repair is another very impressive thing that Ryan can add to his list of capabilities.
Ryan and Chelsea are a part of a “football family” which comes stands to reason, when on person in the family is a coach of a college football team. That said, they go to quite a few of the Wyoming Cowboys football games. What is not quite so common is for them to attend the away games. This Saturday, that is going to change, however, because they will be heading to Colorado Springs for the Air Force vs Wyoming Cowboys game. Since it will be a first for them, I hope that the Cowboys can bring home the win. Of course, I always hope the Cowboys will bring home a win, because the members of this family are Pokes fans all the way.
Ryan has decided to join the ranks of many men at this time, by growing out and keeping a beard. t is a trend these days, and many of the men I know wear a beard, so while it will be different on Ryan, it will not be that unusual in our family. I know it will look very nice, and I’m sure his family will be subjected to our family’s famous “whisker rub” that was started by my dad, Al Spencer. Ryan is a teaser from way back, so I’m sure he is looking forward to that tradition too. Today is Ryan’s birthday. Happy birthday Ryan!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My nephew, Rob Masterson met his wife Dustie while he was in the Army, serving in Louisiana. It didn’t take them very long to realize that they were in love. Anyone could see that they were perfect for each other. When Rob was discharged, they returned to Casper, Wyoming where Rob’s family all lived. We all liked Dustie right away, and Dustie worked really hard to fit in with Rob’s family. She loved Rob deeply, and that meant loving his family too. For Dustie, that was easy, because not only did she love Rob, but she was and is a very loving person in her own right, and she loved Rob with all her heart.
Now, over twenty years later, Dustie says of Rob, “My husband is without a doubt my ‘perfect’ partner and my best friend. I don’t know how other couples are, but we are both most comfortable together.” Rob and Dustie used to work together at Sam’s Club, where they were both department supervisors, she in grocery, and he in the tire shop. While it would mean that they would no longer work together, Rob nevertheless, encouraged her to accept a job offer at Walgreens, when it came her way, because he knew it would be a far better fit for her. Rob is very selfless when it comes to things like that. Dustie says, “I know in my heart that he will ALWAYS be there to support whatever I choose to do.”
Our family is used to the dynamic that Rob and Dustie have, but when people outside of the family see them together, they inevitably tell her that she has the perfect husband. Dustie would agree…for her, Rob is the “perfect” husband. Rob is a sweet man. As his aunt, I can attest to that. He grew up the only boy out of his parents’ five children, and after their divorce, the only man in the household. Rob took that “responsibility” very seriously. He is protective of all women, but none so much as his own family. Dustie says, “What most people don’t know is what we’ve been through separately (good and bad) helped us decide how we were going to go about our relationship. I’ve never known anyone who loves as deeply as Robert.” Rob is a man who picks his close relationships carefully, and that means mostly, his family and the very few that he calls friend. To those who are in that circle, he is loyal, protective. He is also true to all his beliefs and morals, and he will not be swayed by whatever is trending. Dustie thinks “you guys” did an amazing job bringing such a good man into this world…of course, she means his mom, my sister, Cheryl Masterson, and probable my parents, his grandparents, Al and Collene Sencer, all of whom would have to be the ones to take the credit for Rob’s raising. I would agree. They did an amazing job. Rob is a great husband, father, grandson, nephew, and friend, to all who fit in one of those categories. Today is Rob’s birthday. Happy birthday Rob!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My grandnephew, Easton Moore is getting ready to start the next phase of his life and is still considering his options. The rest of us are sitting here wondering where all the years went. It seems impossible that Easton could be out of elementary school, much less high school. Currently, Easton is a supervisor at McDonald’s, which is a pretty good accomplishment for a young man of just 18 years. He is looking forward to the end of school now, because as supervisor, he is required to close, which makes for late nights and little sleep…which accounts for his mom, Machelle Moore’s ability to catch him sleeping during the day and having the evidence to prove it.
Easton has spent a lot of time tinkering on his own vehicle and has found that he really has a knack for it. Easton has also helped his friends work on their vehicles, so he is actually building a clientele of sorts already. In fact, mechanics is one of the things Easton is considering as a career option, a side option, or a temporary option while he prepares for the other possible career option that he is considering. Like most young people, Easton is very comfortable with computers, and would not mind getting a job on the internet or maybe in computer programing. The possibilities in computers are endless right now, and things are advancing so fat that what seems far-fetched today is very possible in the very near future.
One thing Easton isn’t considering right now is moving out on his own. Like most high school graduates, he would like to, but with rentals in Powell running around $1000 a month for a one-bedroom apartment, that is just not feasible. Moving out right now around here is not a good idea. So, his plan is to live at home, while working, and to begin taking college classes to advance his computer skills, so that if that is what he decided he wants to do in life, he is moving in the right direction for it. As for his mom and dad, I’m sure this plan doesn’t hurt their feelings one bit, because they were facing the “empty nest” and I don’t think they were really very happy about it. Sometimes, it’s nice for the parents to have a little reprieve…even if it’s just a little one. Easton is graduation today and getting ready to go out into the world and make his own mark. Congratulations Easton!! We are very proud of you!!
My nephew, Rob Masterson is my first nephew, and he was a bit of a culture shock for me. Up until Rob came along, we were a family of girls. My parents had five daughters, and other than Rob’s dad, Rob Masterson, we still had girls, because we had my nieces, Chantel Balcerzak and Toni Chase…and then came Rob. As we all know…especially all women…men are inherently different. While men can usually mature their way out of it to a degree, little boys…oh boy!! If I had grown up around brothers, I might have been more prepared for my nephew, but I had basically no experience in boys. Even the babysitting jobs I had were girls. Girls were my whole life-experience up to that time. To further complicate things, I had two daughters. Girls were the way of life in the Spencer family. My younger sisters each did have one boy among their multiple girls, so we were further educated in the ways of little boys, and I think it was a good thing that Rob prepared me for boy life, because my girls together had three boys and one girl, and the trend of mostly boys is continuing in the great grandkids too. So, thanks for giving me the education in the ways of little boys, Rob. I think I needed it.
These days, Rob is a great husband and dad. He has three daughters, Christina Masterson, Raelynn Masterson, and Audrianna Masterson, and one son, Matthew Masterson. He and his wife, Dustie Masterson are both supervisors, he at Sam’s Club’s tire and automotive department, and Dustie at Walgreen’s. Life is good, and they are very happy. They have been married now almost 20 years, and each year gets better and better. They love their jobs, their lives, and each other. They are soulmates, and I can’t imagine one without the other.
Being a supervisor is a job with a lot of responsibility. With that, often comes many hours on the job. That makes for not seeing Rob and Dustie very much. In fact, if we want to see them, the best place to do that is at their place of work. Of course, that isn’t the best place for any kind of a real conversation, so mostly we end up waving and saying, “Hello.” It’s ok, because we are family, and we all know we love each other, even if we are usually too busy for a long visit. The main thing really is that they are able to usually make time to go see my sister, Cheryl Masterson, Rob’s mom, because after all, they are her kids, and she needs to be able to see them as often as possible. They are a close family, and they make it work. Today is Rob’s birthday. Happy birthday Rob!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My nephew, Rob Masterson has been working at Sam’s Club in the Tire and Battery Center since August 1, 2017. Rob had not been able to work for some time, due to health issues brought on by his time in the service. The VA really wasn’t helpful to him, and after 4 plus years of waiting for them to decide on disability status, he’d had enough. Rob and his wife, Dustie were both unhappy with their current situation. Her job was not fulfilling, and they took her for granted. Then, Rob and Dustie basically stumbled on their jobs, and they will tell you that it was the best kind of accident to have. They were shopping at Sam’s club when they saw that Sam’s was hiring. They filled out the online application, and first Rob was called, and then Dustie. They were so excited to find that they would both be working at the same place. As Dustie puts it, “It’s amazing being able to work with your best friend. You know all the same people at work for the most part, and even though most people might find it weird to be able to discuss work and both know exactly what the other does, for us it’s just natural.” They did their orientation together, and both started on August 1, 2017. Rob actually started working before he completed the orientation, because his boss came in and said, “I need you now!” He would have to complete his orientation later. Rob, who has Rheumatoid Arthritis, was a little nervous about how his knees were going to handle the work, but he says that it hasn’t been too bad. Rob and Dustie prayed about his knees and ask for strength to be able to handle the work, and God answered their prayers.
He applied for one transfer within the store, but didn’t get it and Dustie says, “I’m glad. When the position opened up to be the team lead over Tire Battery Center, I knew it was a perfect one for him.” I think they didn’t give him the first position, because they knew he was a great asset to the Tire and Battery Center, and they didn’t want to lose him. In the short time that Rob has worked at Sam’s, he has proven his worth. Dustie says that Rob is so nervous about being a supervisor again, but what he doesn’t realize that he is doing a great job. The people that he works with and the people that work for him have nothing but respect for him, and vice versa. He treats everyone equally and with respect. You can see that he is so much happier…though more tired now, but she doesn’t think he will give it up…ever. He takes pride in his work and it shows. From sweeping the floor and taking out the trash to making sure the tires are correct in size and mounted properly. I think that Rob has always loved tinkering on cars, and so this was right up his alley.
Rob even has his special clients…the ones who ask for him, and who don’t want anyone else to work on their vehicle. One of them is a cute older woman who will not allow anyone else to work on her car, but Rob. Apparently her husband just recently passed away and he was the one who took care of everything on the car for her. When Rob helped her with her car, she was so relieved that someone truly cared, that she teared up. Dustie says, “I couldn’t be more proud of my husband. He is such a wonderful man and he’s making a lasting impression on this Earth and in Heaven. I couldn’t agree more. Today is Rob’s birthday. Happy birthday Rob!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My youngest sister, Allyn Hadlock is in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this weekend having a special birthday/Valentine’s Day holiday trip, lounging on the beach. It was a special gift from her husband, Chris. They have been married for 35 years, and Chris wanted to give his wife and valentine a special trip to celebrate. So this year they are sitting in 80° weather, while the rest of us are trying to keep warm in 23° weather. I would really be mad at her, if it weren’t for the fact that I think the trip was an awesome idea, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. The trip is an all inclusive weekend, and so they are feasting on all the wonderful foods there are, and lounging on the beach and the pool, of course. What a wonderful way to relax.
Allyn has worked in the billing department in a medical office in Casper, Wyoming for some time now, and a while back when they reorganized, she was made a supervisor. She works very hard at her job, and this vacation was a welcome break. In her personal life, she is known as “Grandma” these days…a job she doesn’t take lightly. Her grandchildren love gong to see her, and the oldest two, Ethan and Aurora Hadlock often spend Sunday afternoons with Grandma and Grandpa. It’s a great time for everyone, and they never get tired of it. They also have Adelaide Sawdon, and Mackenzie Moore to round of the crew. Adelaide lives here and they get to see her quite often too, but Mackenzie lives in North Carolina, so seeing her takes a bit of planning. Still, those trips are precious, and they all enjoy them, and when it comes to seeing those babies, try keeping the grandparents away for long. For them, family is, after all, the most important thing in their world.
Nevertheless, being a grandma isn’t the only part of being a couple that is important. This weekend is a rest and reconnect weekend. Since the resort is all inclusive and the only place they have to be is the places they want to be. There is nothing to do but relax and enjoy themselves, and I’m really happy that they get to do this, especially when it comes to getting away from the cold Wyoming Winter that is still rearing its ugly head around here right now. I think that for Allyn and Chris the sun, sand, surf, and palm trees is just what the doctor ordered…a weekend in Paradise. Today is Allyn’s birthday. Happy birthday Allyn!! Have a great time on your weekend in Paradise!! We love you!!
Because I go to my sister, Cheryl Masterson’s house to have dinner with her and her family on Thursday nights, my relationship with all of her family has become closer. Her daughter-in-law, Dustie Masterson always helps with the meal, because she loves to cook, and she is a very good cook too. Dustie works at Albertson’s in the Fresh Cut Produce Department. That gives her the job of making the salads, and things like salsa and guacamole, and believe me, what she makes is the best. One of her specialties is the Seven Layer Salad, which is a family favorite, and was recently used as part of the food for the rehearsal dinner of her niece, Katy Collett and her new husband, Jake.
Dustie would really have to love cooking, to do it all day and work, and then come home and cook some more. Most people don’t feel like cooking after work anyway, but with her job, that would really be a lot. Dustie has been at Albertson’s for a while now, and has worked her way up to supervisor…an accomplishment she is proud to have achieved, and we are proud of her. Dustie is a very happy person, and is almost always smiling. That makes her a favorite among her co-workers, as well as with the rest of us. I love her sense of humor, and her teasing, joking ways.
Dustie is mom to Raelynn, Matthew, and Audrianna, and wife to my nephew, Rob Masterson. She has been a part of our family now for almost 14 years, and she has been a wonderful addition to the family. She is my sister, Cheryl Masterson’s only daughter-in-law, and she has been such a blessing to Cheryl, our parents, and me over the years, especially during the time when we were so busy taking care of our parents, and Dustie ran a countless number of errands for us. I’m sure Cheryl has told her how much that meant to us, but I think it’s worth mentioning again. We really appreciate all you did to help us during those years, Dustie. Your kind heart and loving ways have blessed us more than you could ever know, and we are so glad that you are a part of our family. Today is Dustie’s birthday. Happy birthday Dustie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
Few things change a man as much as becoming a father. I think most women understand how they feel when they first hold that baby in their arms, but unless the baby was adopted, the mother carried that baby inside her for nine months. After that, you almost know that baby’s personality. Things are quite different for a man. They don’t have the insight that the mother has. For them, that insight comes when they first get to look at their baby. Suddenly, they know that this little tiny person is a part of them too. Mothers have that understanding every time the baby kicks, but fathers get that little revelation when they first see and hold their child. It is a defining moment in their lives…and it shows on their face. Everything is different now This little human being is theirs. They have a responsibility to take care of this little baby and the baby’s mother. They are now a family man. It’s very exciting, and maybe just a little bit intimidating too.
For Jake this past year has been filled with such wonderful blessings. He is engaged to a wonderful girl…Melanie Price, and is step dad to her little girl, Alice. Jake and Alice get along so well, and they have lots of fun, but now there is little Izabella to complete the family…at least for now. One never knows what the future will hold for them. Right now they are just enjoying their little family to the fullest. If Jake had the jitters concerning his little daughter, he really hasn’t shown it much at all. He has stepped into his new role with confidence and a style all his own, and that is awesome.
Jake has grown and changed much over the last few years. He has been with FedEx for a number of years now, and is a supervisor for them. He loves his job, but of course, he loves coming home to his family even more. I always knew that Jake had potential. I knew that he was going to turn into a good man and a great father. Above all else that Jake is…he is a kind man. He is quick to show his love for others. He is full of energy, and like many men, he is a big kid at heart, but when it comes right down to it, Jake would give the shirt off his back if someone needed it. He comes from a long line of people who are like that. For Jake, and his fiancée, Melanie, the journey to their future is just beginning…and, it’s going to be a great life. Today is Jake’s birthday. Happy birthday Jake!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My niece, Dustie Masterson is the daughter-in-law of my sister, Cheryl Masterson. Dustie’s loyalty to her mother-in-law is quite unusual. I don’t say that there aren’t daughters-in-law who are loyal and loving toward their mothers-in-law, because there are, and I am one of them, but many don’t feel any real obligation to their in-laws. Dustie is different, however. With Dustie, I see a genuine loyalty, friendship, and even love for her mother-in-law. She has truly become a part of their family, a fact that we are all happy about.
Dustie works at Albertson’s here is Casper, in the produce department. She is a Fresh Cut Specialist and Supervisor. She is also over all the salads that are created in the store. She sees all the latest in different sauces and salsas, and often buys them for Cheryl to try. I’ve had the opportunity to try some of them too, and I find that Dustie’s likes and dislikes in the food arena are very similar to my own. It is a yummy connection when I get together with Cheryl and her family on Thursday nights. For Cheryl, it is a welcome help in the kitchen, and the fact that Dustie is a good cook doesn’t hurt either.
Dustie’s life is usually very busy. With a husband and three children at home, and a full time job, she spends a lot of her time running whether it be at home, work, or errands. Evenings are spent helping the kids, Raelynn, Matthew, and Audrianna with their homework, and getting them lined out for school the next day. As most parents know, having kids in school is like being in school yourself, because you have to learn right along with them in order to help them with their homework, and yet, you have to be a teacher too, n that you can’t do the work, but rather you must make them do it with the proper amount of prompting. And of course, you have to be the educational encourager, to keep them motivated.
It’s a busy life that Dustie leads, but one that makes her very happy. Dustie has been a part of our family for over 12 years now, and I, for one, don’t know what we would do without her. She was a blessing during the years we were taking care of our parents, and she always will be. Today is Dustie’s birthday. Happy birthday Dustie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!