
My aunt, Virginia Beadle was the second daughter of my grandparents, Hattie and George Byer. Like her older sister, Evelyn Hushman, Aunt Virginia helped with their younger siblings. When you come from a family of nine children, there are always babies to care for. I don’t suppose the girls always loved taking care of their siblings. Younger siblings can be a trial to the older kids…especially as the older kids head into their teen years. Nevertheless, they did what was needed. Still, when Aunt Virginia found out that since her sister was the main babysitter, and she didn’t have to do housework after a late night of babysitting, Aunt Virginia, who hated housework, asked if the same rule would apply to her if she was working. When Grandma said it would, the deal was sealed. Aunt Virginia went out and got herself a job. She always had one after that, and true to her word, Grandma didn’t make her do housework. I don’t know how long that deal lasted, but for a teenager, who hated housework, it was a good deal.

One of the coolest events of Aunt Virginia’s life was the day happened when she was about 8 or 10 years old. She was playing outside with her siblings. Aunt Virginia decided to go exploring at the side of the house, between their house and Great Grandma Byer’s house. She looked at the little flower garden there and saw something shiny. When she picked it up, she saw that his was a man’s wedding ring. Great Grandpa was long dead, and her dad, Grandpa George Byer, had decided to forego a wedding ring so that he could give his bride, her mom and my grandma, Hattie Byer a wedding ring. Obviously, this was an exciting, and quite likely valuable, find.

Aunt Virginia took the ring to show her dad. Grandpa looked at it and told her it was a beautiful ring. He put it on his hand and looked at it. Then he took it off and gave it back to Aunt Virginia. She said, “Daddy, you should keep it.” He said he couldn’t, but she insisted, and that is how my grandfather got his wedding band from his daughter. Aunt Virginia was so pleased to be able to give her dad the wedding ring he had never had and would not be able to buy for himself, as there were too many other things that his paycheck was needed for. And Grandpa was so pleased that she wanted him to have such a beautiful ring. He wore the ring proudly for the rest of his life. And everyone in his family was very pleased that he had been blessed with the ring. Aunt Virginia was always a kind and loving person, and I can see how that ring made her day, as much as it did Grandpa’s. Today would have been Aunt Virginia’s 94th birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Aunt Virginia. We love and miss you very much!!

My grandson, Chris Petersen was the child that made me a grandmother. As a matter of fact, he also made his mother, Corrie Petersen a mom, and his great grandmother, Joann Schulenberg a great grandmother…on her birthday. His dad, Kevin Petersen, grandpa Bob Schulenberg, and great grandpa, Walt Schulenberg also had some firsts when Chris was born. First time dad, grandpa, and great grandpa. We are all so happy to begin this new stage of our lives. Chris and our other grandchildren have been such a blessing to us.

Of course, Chris is an adult now. Why do kids have to grow up? Chris works as the store manager of Auto Zone in Casper, Wyoming. He really loves his job, which makes sense, since his favorite hobby is mechanics. Well, that and video games, but doesn’t everyone play video games. He is a great manager, and they are very happy to have him. I think he has brought with him, a number of new clients for Auto Zone, especially his dad and grandpa, who do a lot of business there.

The biggest part of Chris growing up, however, is that he is married to his beautiful wife, Karen Petersen. They have three beautiful children, Cambree, Caysen, and Cyler, and they are very happy and blessed. We are all very blessed, and of course, we know that if Chris had not grown up, we couldn’t have ever had these precious babies. His family is the most important part of Chris’ lives. They have totally transformed his life in every way. So, I guess we will just be happy that he did grow up, and now his family…and those babies. Chris is so settled now, and I can see that he is so very happy. Chris and Karen are a perfect match for each other. It’s definitely a match made in Heaven. They like the same things, and they are headed in the same direction. You can tell when a man is happy, when all he wants to do is get home to his family. As with most married men, that old lifestyle is suddenly not very important. That makes perfect sense to me.

I am so happy for Chris in his new life. I love seeing him and Karen so happy. They both have a great sense of humor, and their kids are happy and well rounded. It is such a blessing to see your kids and grandkids so happy in their lives. Today is Chris’ birthday. Happy birthday Chris!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My nephew, Jake Harman has been a very busy guy this year. There are a lot of changes going on. Jake has wanted to get his Class A CDL license, and this was his year. Now he has a new job with Meyer’s Logistics, as a delivery driver, that has him traveling from Casper to South Dakota, which for our family is a favorite place…and also to Nebraska and around Wyoming. Jake has been heading for a job like this for a long time. Prior to this, he has been a bus driver for the schools and the city busses. He loved his jobs, and the people he drove to their destinations, but he needed something more. Some people just have a call to the open road.

Jake’s wife, Melanie tells me, “He still is just the biggest goofball ever, but we all love it so much!!” Jake has an amazing imagination, and they decided to set up a Laser Beam Game for their kids, Alice, Izabella, and Jaxx in their hallway at home. Jake came up with the story line that was fantastic and his excitement and enthusiasm with it just made it so much better. So, as the story goes, “Mom (Melanie) was frozen by a monster which was Dad (Jake) ha ha, and the only way to save Mom was for each of them to get down the hallway and back without getting hit by the lasers. Along the way, they had to find their one item to put on Mom to unfreeze her before the monster got them all! It was so much fun lol!!”

All of his babies absolutely love him and his energy!! I think that because Jake is mostly a kid himself, he can totally relate to his children. Their home is filled with laughter, excitement, and amazing playtime. Jake is an amazing dad and loving husband. He is one of those husband’s that never forget to let his wife know what a blessing she is to him. He is always telling Melanie how beautiful she is and sending her texts saying, “You are God given, life without you is life not worth living.” Melane says, “It melts my heart Every time!!” Melanie has been struggling with some depression issues lately, and Jake has been amazing at helping her try to get through…doing whatever he can to help right now.

Jake loves his baby sister, Siara so much and her husband, Chris along with their new baby Nathan (Nathaniel). He is so happy to have this new nephew in his life. Jake’s kids, wife, and his sister’s little family are by far his best friends!! He would do anything for any of his family…no matter who it is!! And anyone who knows Jake very well, knows just how true that statement is. Jake is a giver and a helper, and he has a loving heart that is as big as the great outdoors. Today is Jake’s birthday. Happy birthday Jake!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandson, Caalab Royce, who lives in Bellingham, Washington, is such a great guy. When Caalab was in middle school, he decided that he wanted to learn to play the guitar. His dad, Travis Royce played the guitar, and Travis was, and still is, Caalab’s hero. So, when the class was offered, he jumped at the chance to actually learn to play, and not just to try to imitate what his dad was doing. Let’s face it, learning to play is much better than stumbling around with it. Which is exactly what any strumming I could do would be called. Caalab has a natural talent though, and I love to listen to him and his dad play. I think they are both very good. They have a little band that practices in his parents’ garage/T&Avern, which is a very cool place named after its owners, Travis and Amy Royce. Of course, when the weather is nice, they practice in the Royce back yard and garden. Either way, I love to listen whenever I am visiting.

Caalab has many talents, among them comedy. He always could tell a joke, never forgetting the punch line, even when he was a little boy, but even more cool is his ability to just be funny. In fact, Caalab hates to be serious. Nevertheless, he has the ability to be serious when it comes to his job as kitchen manager at Red Robin in Bellingham. Let’s face it, kitchen manager at any restaurant is not easy. People in that type of job often don’t want to work. Oh, they want to get paid, but they don’t always want to work for that paycheck. Caalab, as the kitchen manager, has to pick up the slack when one of his kitchen workers doesn’t show up for a shift or when they quit with no notice. It seems to be a common problem in the food industry, no matter what minimum wage is. I think it’s common in many industries. People want a paycheck…but they don’t want a job!!!

Caalab has always been a blessing, even if his sister, Shai Royce couldn’t always see the funny side of things, especially when the joke was on her. Nevertheless, these days these two are best friends. Oh, don’t get me wrong, they can argue, but they are still best friends. I always knew they would be, and I told Shai that, but as a young girl, who was always teased by her little brother, she just couldn’t see it. Caalab did love to tease her, but he would have done anything for her too. She was his big sis, and nobody better bother his big sis. For her part, Shai would also do just about anything for her brother too, and she trusts him implicitly, which is quite evident in the fact that for his birthday, she actually bought him a real sword. It is a collector’s sword, but a sword nevertheless, and Caalab thought it was the coolest thing ever. Today is Caalab’s 26th birthday. Happy birthday Caalab!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My aunt, Virginia Beadle was one of the sweetest, most kindhearted people I ever knew. She had a quiet voice that spoke volumes. It wasn’t that she spoke so softly that you couldn’t hear, although she did speak softly. Rather, it was the gentleness of her voice. I think that is what people mean when they say “soft-spoken.” A gentle voice that speaks volumes, and that is what Aunt Virginia had.

Aunt Virginia was an industrious person. She didn’t particularly care for housework and other domestic chores, and one time when her older sister, Evelyn Hushman was allowed to sleep in, because she had been babysitting the fussy baby all night, Aunt Virginia got the idea to ask, “So then if I have a job, you are saying that I won’t have to do housework either?” Well, Grandma Byer, her mom probably didn’t consider the ramifications of her answer, but she told her, “No, you wouldn’t.” With that weapon I. Her arsenal, Aunt Virginia went out and got a job. She had one from that time on, until her retirement. Of course, she also learned that when she got her own home, the “no more housework rule” would go out the window. As a child, you can sometimes get out of housework by getting a job, but when the house is yours and your kids are little, the housework is up to you. Nevertheless, Grandma, being a woman if her word, stood by the words she had spoken that  day.

Aunt Virginia enjoyed her job over the years, and it gave her the opportunity to wear nice clothes and be around interesting people. I don’t know if she ever grew to like housework, but she was good at her jobs and she was a snappy dresser too. I was always very impressed by the way Aunt  Virginia looked and how successful she was. I suppose everyone has different ideas about things. And for anyone who wants to be a stay-at-home mom, getting a job might not be a great thing, but Aunt Virginia saw it as a way of escaping the housework she didn’t like, and no having her mom mad at her. The money she made also helped her to have the things she wanted, and saved Grandma and Grandpa from having to buy them.  It was a win-win of sets, except that Grandma lost some of the housework help. Today would have been Aunt Virginia’s 93rd birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Aunt Virginia. We love and miss you very much.

My grandnephew, Matt Masterson is very quickly becoming a man. Recently, Matt has been looking for a job. Matt likes to be a help to his family, and since he is the only one of the kids that drive, he is really good about taking his sisters, Raelynn and Taylor wherever they need to go. He offers to take them to get food, drinks, or anything else they want to do. He really enjoys having them in the car with him, unless he has a lot on his mind.

Unfortunately, with driving comes the possibility of accidents, and while Matt has not had an accident that was his fault, he has been in two accidents, and on the last one, Raelynn was with him. Matt is so supportive of his sisters. After calling his parents and the cops, Matt came back to make sure Raelynn had her water and helped her through the panic attack she was having. No one was hurt in the accident, but Raelynn was still scared. Matt just took control. He had her sit down, and talked her through it, making sure that she stayed focused of the positive side of things. Matt is such a great brother to his sisters. They depend on him for many things, and Raelynn says that she can tell that he is going to be an “awesome dad one day too, when he decides he wants kids.”

For now, that is down the road a little bit, since Matt is only 17 years old. For now, Matt has been looking for a job! He really wants to be able to help out. Not many 17-year-old kids are interested in being a contributor to the family finances, so that is cool. Even things like buying his own clothes and other supplies can be helpful. Clothes are expensive. Matt is looking forward in life, planning his future. He may not know exactly where he is going right now, but he focused on making good decisions and staying on the right track. Even though it’s summer, Matt’s been sleeping in less and making an effort to be nice to people and get out and do things more! That’s a big job in this Post-Covid-Lockdown world. Today is Matt’s 17th birthday. Happy birthday Matt!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandniece, Anna, is Anna no more. Anna, whose full name is Audrianna Taylor Masterson, as decided she wants to change things up a bit. So, now Anna is Taylor, and while I love the name Taylor, I have a feeling the transition for her family will not be easy. She has never really been Audrianna to me, but she was always Anna. I’ll have to work hard to use Taylor as her proper name now. So, what better time for me to get started!!

Taylor is starting high school next year and will be attending Kelly Walsh High School. Like most kids going from middle school to high school, Taylor finds this to be a very exciting time. It is a sign of so many things…becoming more grown up, planning for more freedom, and more great activities. One of her first priorities is to get a job, because she wants to get a car right away. Even though she can only get a permit right now, she wants to learn in her own car, and when she turns 16 next year, she will already have her wheels. I don’t blame her. Learning to drive in the same car you will drive later, will make that all important driving test that much easier. So far, Taylor has put in an application at Dairy Queen, and I really hope she gets that job. I know several kids who worked at Dairy Queen for their first job, and they all said that it was the best first job ever. I think is because it’s a happy place.

For Taylor, this next year is filled with so many changes…so many big things are coming her way. Taylor has really come out of her shell in the past year. Where there used to be shy girl, a bit of a social butterfly is emerging. She has her best friend group which consists of Christian and Eden, and they are pretty much inseparable. The Masterson house often sees these girls hanging out laughing and just having a great time off and on throughout the week, and probably even more now that summer has arrived. Taylor used to be nervous talking to people, but now she regularly invites her friends over for sleepovers, and she enjoys going places with her mom and sister, Raelynn, as well as her friends. She has also started going getting out on her own and with friends, working out and taking walks. Taylor has always been rather shy, so for her, learning to branch out and join in on fun things, is an amazing feat, and her family is so proud of her.

Taylor also rescued a cat recently. She found him under the family car up near the axel, so she named him, Axel Rob. He got his name because of his rescue, but he picked Taylor to be his human. The cat is super relaxed, much like Taylor, and he didn’t even need to be declawed. I’m not sure who adopted who, and in fact, maybe it is that Axel Rob and Taylor adopted each other. Whatever the case may be, it is a mutually beneficial adoption. Today is Taylor’s 15th birthday. Happy birthday Taylor!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grand-nephew, Isaac Spethman has always been ahead of the game. He is highly motivated, and really very skilled, even though he is just turning fifteen today. Most kids, even at fifteen are still just interested in playing video games and hanging out with their friends. Isaac likes to do these things too, but Isaac started his first job when he was just seven. He walked just two doors down the street from his house, where the Grant Street Grocery was located. It was a place he and his siblings liked to go and buy treats, but Isaac had other ideas. He wanted a job. So, he “applied” for one. The owner, thinking that this was just a little boy who was playng grownup, told him to bring in his resume, and they would take a look. Well, they had misjudged Isaac. He went to his aunt, Liz Masterson, and ask for help with his resume. Liz is a teacher, so this was no problem, and when it was finished, Isaac took it to Grant Street Grocery and got the job, even though they had no openings. He helped out by sweeping, straightening, taking out the trash, and they even started teaching him about the cutting of the meat. It was a good job and Isaac learned a lot, about several things. He worked there until they sold the store, and the new owners didn’t see the value this young man holds. His work ethic has not changed, and today, at fifteen, Isaac has a job at Hardee’s in Casper…a job he started in August. He enjoys the work, and they like him too.

Isaac’s parents, Jenny and Steve Spethman, have taught him about hunting and gun safety. He has been hunting and been very successful at it. He has also put that “butcher shop” training to good use, because he knows how to handle a knife, both at home and in the field. Isaac’s dad has built a forge for himself and his boys. Isaac forged and sold his first knife this year, so now he will have his own little business, if he chooses to continue forging knives for profit.

Isaac is also in the ROTC at school and really enjoys the discipline and the training. This was something he has chosen to do, and he feels like he has made an excellent choice. Isaac has a mind of his own, and a good head on his shoulders. Isaac is in the process of buying his own truck from our neighbor. Once again, in his own personal style, Isaac is way ahead of the norm for his age. Most kids wait until they turn 16 and then after using their parents’ car for a while, they finally decide that they need a vehicle of their own. Not there is nothing wrong with that, but it just isn’t Isaac’s style. He likes to make his own way. It is a trait that makes me and all his family very proud of him. Today is Isaac’s 15th birthday. Happy birthday Isaac!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

Like most kids, after they graduate from high school, my grandnephew, Weston Moore’s mind turned to getting a place of his own. So he found some friends and they got a place in May of 2020. Of course, we all know that 2020 brought with it some hardships in the area of working and spending time with family. While Weston was able to keep working, it just seemed prudent to move back home where he could spend more time with his parents, Machelle and Steve Moore, and his brother, Easton. I think everyone would agree that it was a good idea, especially his family, who all missed him very much. Not to mention the fact that at that time, none of us knew how bad Covid would or would not get, so Machelle ad Steve felt much better having their kids both at home.

Weston had been driving a little car, but during the time he was living on his own, he managed to save enough money to get himself a better vehicle. He knew he wanted an SUV, and had considered a Suburban, but in the end, he purchased a Yukon, which he is very happy with. He found it right there in Powell, and so didn’t have to travel to get it. Now that he has found his dream ride, Weston has begun to get it “tricked out” with a few new items to make it special. He added LED light strips, subwoofer, amp, stereo, and has a light bar that still needs to be installed. He also put on new brakes and rotors on the back, new tie rods on the front. Even though he has a sound system that could blow out the windows, Weston is very courteous about where he is at and what time it is, so that he doesn’t disturb people. Even his own mom has only heard it a few times. Weston has a big heart and will do anything for anyone!! When his grandma needed a ride to Cody the other day, and his grandpa, who recently had surgery, wasn’t ready for such a trip, Weston volunteered to take her. Of course, on the plus side, he got to drive the new car for a longer distance than just around town. Everybody likes an occasional road trip.

These days, with Covid heading downhill, Weston has started to think about moving out on his own again. He has a couple friends that have recently moved to Montana, and so he is thinking of moving there too. He has begun the job hunting part as well, because he doesn’t want to just move and have no plan. Of course, for his family, this will bring about the whole “missing him” thing again, but Montana isn’t too awfully far away, and they can make some weekend trips to see him. This will be a great new adventure for Weston, and something he will never forget. He might as well take the leap while he is young, knowing that he can always move back to Powell later on if he doesn’t like Montana. And it isn’t so far that he can’t road trip home. I know he will miss his family and cousins, but it will all be a great learning experience too. Today is Weston’s 21st birthday. Happy birthday Weston!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My niece, Jenny Spethman has had a normal, average life by most standards. She has been a stay-at-home mom for much of her marriage, and has just recently started a part-time job at a law firm here in Casper, where she is a runner for the attorneys and legal staff there. This is an exciting time for Jenny. As any stay-at-home mom knows, being around kids for hours and hours every day, can bring a parent to the point of just wanting another adult to talk to. It wasn’t about the money really, although that comes in handy too. It was about doing something useful now that her children are in school…something new and interesting. I think that her new job is perfect for her, because there are so many new things to do, interesting people to be around, and legal procedures to learn.

Jenny’s exciting new job is something to celebrate, but there is so much more to Jenny. She is one of the strongest people I know. Jenny’s life hasn’t been perfect. She and her husband, Steve lost their daughter, Laila in 2010, and then gathered their strength and tried again, having their 5th child, Aleesia just 9 months later. After having three sons, they had wanted a daughter, and that made Laila’s passing more devastating. Nevertheless, they now have their rainbow baby in the form of daughter, Aleesia. Having another child after loss is a show of strength in itself, but that is not the only way that Jenny’s inner strength presents itself.

Jenny is a strong student of the Bible. She listens to God’s leading and receives revelations knowledge on so many matters of importance. Jenny is an early-riser, and loves to spend the early morning hours in Bible reading and Christian meditation on the Word. Her focus gives her strength on a daily basis. Jenny and Steve are united in their faith, and have learned to lean on God in all situations. Even with all they have gone through, it is often Jenny who is there to lift up others who are struggling, grieving, or just unsure what to do. We are all very proud of her strong, supportive ways, and we all count on her often. Today is Jenny’s birthday. Happy birthday Jenny!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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