Our aunt, Esther Hein is the middle child in my father-in-law’s family, but because her mom, Vina Hein was married and divorced, Esther is the oldest of the youngest kids. In fact, because her siblings, Marion and Walt were quite a bit older than Esther, she was really the oldest for her whole young life. Of course, she always knew that Marion and Walt were her older siblings, but I expect she always thought of them more as aunt and uncle, than siblings.
During her school years, Esther would often stay with my in-laws, because there were times that roads were closed, and it would have been impossible to get her to school. Of course, while my in-laws had a daughter of their own by then, she wasn’t old enough to “give them any sass” and so they may not have been used to that. It wasn’t that Esther was particularly “sassy” or anything, but kids will be kids. She and my mother-in-law, her sister-in-law, Joann Schulenberg “locked horns” a few times. I only know that because my mother-in-law told me the story. When Esther did something my mother-in-law didn’t want her to, she would tell her, “Don’t Esther!!” When I was caring for her when she had Alzheimer’s Disease, and I “made” her go to bed, she would sometimes say, “Don’t Esther!!” I figured, at least for that moment, I didn’t have to take the blame for being the bad guy!! Hahahaha!!
When I was getting ready to marry my husband, he decided that I should cut his hair. I tried to tell him that I
didn’t know how, but he said it was easy, just trim it. He didn’t consider that I had sisters, and the only trimming we did was straight across. So, that’s what he got. Oh…my goodness!! It was awful!! His mom fixed it, as much as was possible, and then when we were in Forsyth, Montana, visiting Grandma and Grandpa Hein at the same time as Esther was once, Bob had her cut his hair, because she was a cosmetologist. She graciously taught me how to cut a man’s hair, and since Bob was brave, he let me try again. Woo Hoo!! Success!! And today I always cut his hair. Thanks Esther!! Today is Esther’s 84th birthday. Happy birthday Esther!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My uncle, George Hushman was the first person I ever knew who was adopted or orphaned. Of course, we didn’t know of his “status” at the time. My sisters, Cheryl Masterson, Caryl Reed, Alena Stevens, and Allyn Hadlock, just knew that we all liked him. Uncle George living in the orphanage in Casper and going to school here when he met my aunt, Evelyn Byer. They fell in love and were married for 68 years, until she went home to be with the Lord. Uncle George lived another three years before joining her.
Uncle George didn’t know his family for most of his life, but when he joined our family, he became part of a big family. Then, with their marriage, the family began to grow. Following their marriage, their five children followed in rapid succession. Their first, a daughter named Sheila Ann, known as Susie to all who know her, was born on November 14, 1948, just fourteen months later. Their first son, George Wave, was born on December 13, 1949, just thirteen months later. He was by Kay on November 8, 1950, Shannon Lee January 27, 1953, and finally Gregory Wane on April 10, 1954. By the time Aunt Evelyn and Uncle George’s family was complete, other children in the Byer family married, the family continued to grow quickly. Of course, The Hushman family didn’t stop there either. Their children have children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. Families have a way of doing that.
I’m sure that if they could see their family now, they would be very proud of not only their numbers, but the things they have become. Their children and grandchildren have gone on to become responsible adults with amazing careers. And they are still in the process of becoming the great people they are meant to be. Uncle George has been in Heaven now for six years. We all miss him and the rest of the family who have gone on before us. Our goal now is to do what we can to make them all proud. Happy 98th birthday in Heaven, Uncle George. We love and miss you very much.
Our aunt, Linda Cole was always a vibrant, happy person. She had a laugh that would light up a room. We didn’t see Linda and her husband Bobby as much as some of the rest of the family, because they lived for many years is Kennebec, South Dakota, where they owned a little “mom and pop” hotel. To visit them and their children, Sheila and Pat meant a trip of at least a weekend, and better yet a three or four day weekend. The drive was long enough to where you had to stay the night. The nice thing was that since they owned a hotel, you always had a place to stay…and they never would let us pay them for the room. They just liked that we wanted to come for a visit at least once a year.
When the hotel burned down, after being struck by lightning, they pretty much lost their livelihood. To rebuild made no sense, because there was a chain motel that was right off the interstate, meaning that fewer people actually came into Kennebec to the “mom and pop” that was located there. Times were changing, and they would have to change with them. The solution was a move to Winnemucca, Nevada, where they found jobs working in the casinos. I think they were happy to be free of the hotel, because it meant no more cleaning rooms and limiting their vacation times to the months when no one was traveling, including them. Winters in South Dakota can be a special kind of brutal, and travel was hazardous. Linda and Bobby found that the warmer, dryer climate of Nevada really suited them, so they stayed for the rest of their lives. They never “struck it rich” but they had a good time. Their move to Nevada meant that fewer people went for visits, and that is sad. It was a little further, so it was hard. Her sister, Joann and brother-in-law visited the most.
Bobby passed away from cancer on May 30, 2014, at the age of 71, and Linda passed away unexpectantly on September 22, 2016, from a heart attack at the age of 69. We were shocked and saddened by their passing. They were, in my opinion, far too young. I think Linda lost the will to live after Bobby passed. They were such a part of each other. Their marriage was on that was made in Heaven, and they never doubted their love for each other for a minute. Today would have been Linda’s 78th birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Linda. We love and miss you very much.
Last Thursday brought the sad news that my aunt, Doris Spencer was leaving this earth. It was so hard to believe, mostly because she had lived her for a little over 100 years. So many people don’t get that opportunity, but Aunt Doris was very blessed. She had beaten the odds, to become a centenarian!! We were all so happy for her, and she was so happy. Her birthday celebration was such a wonderful event…worthy of her great accomplishment.
The reality is that her whole life was lived as a blessing. I will never forget when we visited her. She always made everything so special. It didn’t matter what time we arrived; she would get up and make a meal. She always felt that a guest should have something to eat, and she was a wonderful cook, so we didn’t argue with her philosophy. We had so many wonderful visits through the years. I specifically remember the time we got to go and pick blueberries. Then we had cereal with fresh blueberries on it. Oh, my goodness!! So good!!
Aunt Doris’ life was blessed with children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Her family was the most important part of her life. She was blessed with long life and good health. For most of her years, she was able to get around largely on her own, even when she no longer drove, she could still maneuver and visit with family and friends. Aunt Doris liked people, and she enjoyed being with people. Now her life wasn’t perfect, and she has lost loved ones, but she knew she would see those who went before her, again, and now she is in Heaven with those who have gone before her.
Aunt Doris was the saving grace for my mother. When my mom, Collene Spencer and dad, Al Spencer got married and moved to Superior, Wisconsin, Aunt Doris and Uncle Bill rented the house behind their own to my parents. The girls became best friends, and mom, who had never been away from her family before, felt like it would all be ok. She and Aunt Doris had so many “escapades” together, and they wouldn’t have traded a single one for anything different. Now, the girls are back together again in Heaven, and I’m sure they are having a wonderful time. I’m sure Aunt Doris is having a great time with all of her family and friends who have gone before her. We will miss Aunt Doris so much. She lived a wonderful, long life, and she was a blessing to all of us. Aunt Doris, we love you so much, and we can’t wait to see you again.
Our uncle, Butch Schulenberg is a man who cares deeply about the things he loves. He is a family man, who is always there for his wife and kids…going above and beyond for them in everything from their health to their kids’ school activities. These past few years, he has been caring for his wife of 58 years, Charlys, who suffered a burn a while back, but is doing quite well under Butch’s care and that of their grandson, Christian Schulenberg, a CNA at the Forsyth Nursing Home, who lives with them. Having Christain there gives them extra help, when he isn’t working. I am so thankful that Charlys is doing well. She is so sweet, and we want to keep her with us for a long time. Butch has been an excellent caregiver.
Uncle Butch is a sports fan, from his own days as a football player, I’m sure. He is what would be called a booster. He supports every sport his grandchildren play in, as well as every sport of his hometown, Forsyth, Montana. He may not be able to get to every game, but he knows who won and by how much. He is an encouragement to the teams…win or lose. Of course, he wants them to win, but in sports, there is just as much importance in sportsmanship as there is in victory. A poor winner is as bad as a poor loser. Sports is about being the best team they can be and knowing that not every game will be won. Nevertheless, every player in the small town of Forsyth, Montana knows that Butch Schulenberg supports their hard work.
In the summer months, when school is out, Butch can usually be found in his yard growing the sweetest little flower garden. He loves yard work, and while the place he lives has a crew that maintains the grounds, they know that Butch Schulenberg will likely be mowing his area of the lawn. He loves to take pictures of his flowers so we can all enjoy them, and he also loves to take pictures of the beautiful sunsets over the Yellowstone River near their home. They live high up above the river on a bit of a bluff, and the view down to the river is spectacular, sunset or not. Whenever they can, they like to visit their kids, Andi Kay, Tadd, and Heath at their homes, or have the kids come for visits. Their grandchildren are the collective apple of their eye. They love them unconditionally and support them in all they do. People just couldn’t be more blessed than having people like Butch and Charlys as their parents and grandparents. Today is Uncle Butch’s 84th birthday. Happy birthday Uncle Butch!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
Aunt Ruth Wolfe grew up on a farm surrounded by horses…her absolute favorite animal. The country girl lifestyle suited her. During World War II, while her brother, my father Allen Spencer, served in the Army Air Forces, she worked the farm with her mother brother, Bill. She took on the farm work and also worked as a welder in the shipyards, becoming one of the Worl War II’s well known “Rosie the Riveters.” Later, married to my Uncle Jim Wolfe, they lived in the country near Casper, Wyoming…gardening, canning, and raising farm animals. Aunt Ruth was a capable woman, achieving anything she set her
mind to. Her talents were many, ranging from the hard work of farming and canning to playing musical instruments and painting.
One of the most unexpected decisions Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim made was moving to Vallejo, California. It’s surprising that someone who loved country living would choose a city. Vallejo, a suburb of San Francisco, is a sharp contrast to Casper, Wyoming, and Holyoke, Minnesota, where Aunt Ruth grew up. Perhaps they just wanted a change, which I get since my family transitioned from rural to urban living in Casper. Still, I can see the draw of city life and California’s milder climate probably better suited my aunt and uncle.
After living in California for a while, the country life drew them back to the mountains of Washington state. The move to the mountains didn’t surprise me much; country living seemed to be in my aunt and uncle’s blood, as much a part of their being, as their DNA. Once they settled in eastern Washington, they stayed put. They purchased a mountaintop
and built three cabins: one for themselves, one for their daughter Shirley and her husband Shorty Cameron, and one for their son Terry and his family. For Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim, this was their final abode. Having visited their mountaintop, I understand its allure, but since moving back to town, I’ve realized I wouldn’t want to live in the countryside or on a mountaintop permanently. Nonetheless, it was their safe haven. Today would have marked Aunt Ruth’s 99th birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Aunt Ruth. We love and miss you very much.
As a toddler, my aunt, Evelyn Hushman was learning how to properly address her adult relatives. Each time she referred to an aunt or uncle by their first name, her parents would remind her, “You must say Uncle Ted or Aunt Gladys.” This instruction was likely repeated often, as it’s challenging for a toddler to understand why they must use a different title when everyone else uses the person’s first name. It’s a perplexing period for a young child who is just starting to understand social norms.
These days, at least in our family, many of the aunts and uncles go by just their first names, and while some people might think that odd, I am just as comfortable being Caryn as I am Aunt Caryn. We don’t consider it to be any kind of a show of disrespect. But in times past, and in many families today, if the person is an aunt or uncle, you must address them as Aunt this or Uncle that. We do draw the line at grandma and grandpa, and my grandchildren know that while Gma, G, or G-mamma is ok, Caryn is not. I suppose that could be confusing to little kids too, but that is the way it is. Another place where we draw the line is Mommy and Daddy, or Mom and Dad. But for the aunts and uncles we are a little more casual.
Aunt Evelyn was an incredibly social person with a close-knit circle of friends who formed a club. This group consisted of eight girls and eight boys, and their parents would rotate hosting parties for them. They were the envy of all the siblings, who longed to be old enough to join in. When it was my grandmother’s turn, she organized the gathering at the North Casper Clubhouse for a Taffy Pulling Party. A few parents were present, but the event was primarily for the sixteen club members, with younger children excluded, though they did receive some taffy afterwards. The party was a resounding success, leaving my grandmother delighted with the outcome. It’s likely that the younger siblings aspired to have such friendships when they grew up, but Aunt Evelyn’s club was truly one of a kind.
My Aunt Evelyn was the oldest among my mother’s siblings. She and my mother often went on double dates during the time my parents were dating. Aunt Evelyn and Uncle George had been married for about five years then. Despite the eight-year age difference, the sisters shared a close friendship. My father and Uncle George were also friends, making double dating a natural choice for them. They joined a bowling league together, turning their double dates into a cherished weekly tradition that lasted for years and years. They were nights that my sisters and I fondly recall. Today would have been Aunt Evelyn’s 96th birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Aunt Evelyn. We love and miss you very much.
My aunt, Sandy Pattan has had what many people would call…an awful year, but because of her faith and the faith of many people praying diligently for her, she has come out of it with a year of miracles. Aunt Sandy’s “year of miracles” began with a bleeding ulcer. She was on blood thinners, and for her, that is just not the best idea. She had a procedure to cauterize the bleeder, and the ulcer stopped bleeding. It was shortly after that procedure that I came into the picture, but this isn’t about me…this is about Aunt Sandy and her amazing year.
We went to see the doctor, and it was decided that it would benefit Aunt Sandy to have a heart monitor in place so we could see what needed to be done next. On January 26th, she called me to ask why I hadn’t come over that day. I told her I wasn’t supposed to come that day, but rather the next day. She told me that she had been a little dizzy, and she was slurring her words. I said, “Oh my gosh!! I’m on my way.” She, in true Aunt Sandy style told me it wasn’t really necessary, but I knew that it was. I have never been the one to “diagnose” a stroke, but thanks to my daughter, Corrie Petersen’s nursing school classes, when she often told me about as a means of studying, I knew about FAST…the stroke diagnosis test. I quickly ran it on Aunt Sandy and called for an ambulance. Aunt Sandy’s outcome was miraculous, not because of me, but because of God. I have no doubt. She has no significant continuing symptoms, and the neurologist has completely released her.
She had to go back on Eliquis, because while they were planning to put in a Watchman device, they found a clot in her heart. It was not what we had hoped for, but it couldn’t be helped. They could not install the device until the clot was dissolved, because if they bumped it during the procedure, it would explode and cause more strokes. I would love to say that after a standard wait time, the Watchman was successfully implanted in a “happily ever after” moment, but that wasn’t exactly how things went.
The middle of February found Aunt Sandy with a swollen right knee that was extremely painful. Initially diagnosed as a Baker Cyst, we were told that it would eventually shrink on its own. Again, not the case. By February 28th, her right knee was extremely bruised and swollen to the point of blistering and splitting open. She was again taken to the hospital, where the vascular surgeon found a bleed in the knee. After a blood transfusion, she was rushed to surgery with an extremely low hemoglobin of four (normal levels are between 12 and 16), and the race was on to save her leg. Dr Kaslow did save her leg, and after three months on a wound vac, followed by a skin graft, she is doing very well from that. We are thankful to God for putting Dr Kaslow there and for the miracle of again saving her life. After a little more than two week stay at Elkhorn Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, during which Aunt Sandy received excellent care (including having them catch and deal with another bleed in her right leg), and physical therapy, she was able to go back home. Healthy and grateful both the Elkhorn’s wonderful staff and to God!!
During her recuperation from the skin graft, Aunt Sandy’s cataracts decided that their time had come. I took her in for an eye exam, but we were told that glasses wouldn’t help. So, surgery was scheduled, and by the middle of August, she had new lenses in her eyes. Now, it was finally time to get the Watchman device. We were told all the possible outcomes and had all the tests done. She went in for the surgery on September 19th, and when it was over, Dr Fluture came out and told me that he was at the point of thinking it would not work, because she is very small. The probe seemed to be stuck halfway across the chest. Then, another miracle from God. Suddenly, the probe popped through and they were in. The rest of the procedure went as smooth as silk, and then it was in place. Praise God!! Now, she will have about six more months on a blood thinner (Plavix), and then, if all is good, she will be off of them for good.
Aunt Sandy has no doubt in her mind that she is alive today because of the incredible grace and power of God. I agree. With her double knee replacement surgeries, the repair of the bleeding ulcer, cataract surgeries, and now the Watchman device, I like to tell her that she is now “fully bionic” Aunt Sandy!! To that she just laughs. She might laugh, but when you think about it, she really is. It’s been one wild year, but Aunt Sandy is a fighter, and God had her back!! Today is Aunt Sandy’s 79th birthday!! It’s an age she wasn’t sure she was going to reach, but praise God…she has!! Happy birthday Aunt Sandy!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My uncle, Jim Richards is a “teddy bear” of a man who is loved by all who know him. I say “teddy bear” because he has the personality of what we would expect a “teddy bear” to have. He is kind and caring and he would give you the shirt off his back, if you needed one. I don’t think he has ever had an enemy in his life. Uncle Jim is always soft-spoken and quiet…and maybe just a little bit shy.
My aunt, Sandy Pattan (Aunt Dixie’s younger sister) and I, along with my sister Caryl have gone to visit recently, and it has been so fun to spend some time with the Richards family. Whenever we go to visit, Uncle Jim is happy to “give the women their space” by setting himself up in front of the television watching sports. I’m sure that all the girl talk going on in the dining room would be boring to Uncle Jim anyway. Watching sports is much more to his liking. He loves the Broncos, but they aren’t always playing. I don’t think it really matters to him, any football game works…when the Broncos aren’t playing. If the Broncos are playing, Uncle Jim is going to be watching.
Uncle Jim is and always was a family man. His family is his top priority, and they feel the same way about him. They are a close family. Uncle Jim and Aunt Dixie live with their daughter Jeannie Liegman and her son Jacob, but daughter Raylynn Williams, her husband Doug, and children Gabriel, Gideon, Noah, and Mayme live across the road. Meals are together as a family. It really makes the family close. Uncle Jim and Aunt Dixie have always been willing to help out family members when needed, whether it was his family or her family, they were there for them, even taking in extras over the years. They never lost that sense of family loyalty, and that is a great testament to their kind and loving hearts. Uncle Jim lost his dad at a young age, and he took on much of the roll of man of the house from that time on…and he was just one month shy of nine years old. He wasn’t the oldest child either, he just knew what was needed, and he did it. His whole family looked to him for guidance many times. That shows that he possessed wisdom beyond his young years. That is amazing and I highly respect his caring ways toward his family in their times of need. Today is Uncle Jim’s 87th birthday. Happy birthday Uncle Jim!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My great grandson, Justin Petersen is a very happy little boy. He loves doing crazy things, like driving his toy cars off of the bench in my house, and then laughing as I go to pick it up. He tries to “help” his mom cook, by grabbing the potatoes before she peels them and taking them all over the house. He loves to make people laugh, and anything he can do to be silly…well, he is up for that. Justin is all about the laughs. His sense of humor is great big, and his pranks, tricks, and just his laugh, keep the whole household in stitches, when he gets going.
Justin loves being a big brother to his little brother, Axel, and while there are the normal tiffs, they are best buddies. For little kids, the best friends are their siblings and cousins, because they don’t have school friends
yet. Justin was very excited to have a baby brother, even though he didn’t know quite what to do with him, but now that Axel can play, Justin really likes having him around. Justin and Axel are Irish Twins, which means that they were born less than a year apart. Justin and Axel will always be the same age from September 18th to October 14th…26 days. Their Grandma, Corrie Petersen and their aunt, Amy Royce are also Irish Twins and are the same age for 29 days each year. It’s a cool little tidbit of trivia that we love in our family. The boys also have an Irish Twin cousin (is there such a thing), named Cyler. Anyway for 5 days, they are all three the same age. It’s fun.
Justin is growing up so fast. His vocabulary is big these days, and he knows his ABCs and numbers to eight. It’s hard to believe that he is getting so big. Nevertheless, Justin is a very loving child, and just because he is
growing up, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like to feel close to those he loves. He likes to hold his mommy and daddy’s hand when they go places, and even likes to hold his baby brother’s hand too. He especially likes to hold hands when he goes to sleep. I think that is just precious. Those kinds of things are such a treasure, because as we all know, they grow out of this stage at some point, even though they never stop loving their parents and siblings…and of course, their grandparents. Justin loves his grandparents very much too. Today is Justin’s 2nd birthday!! Happy birthday sweet boy!! Have a great day!! We love you!!