My daughter, Amy Royce is a career insurance agent, but during her time off she doubles as a master gardener. I suppose there are those who are better, but my girl can grow the prettiest flowers. Her yard is filled with flowers every year, and every year, she adds a few more little beauties to her fantastic garden. She has worked at it each year, creating a masterpiece in flowers. Amy’s back yard is a sanctuary…very peaceful, pleasant, and with all the flowers, beautiful smelling too. You might be picturing so many flowers that there is nothing else, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Her yard is tastefully decorated in flowers. Amy is an artist, and she didn’t get it from her mom. She paints, creating very pretty pictures, and she “paints” her yard in flowers…placing them strategically around so as to make a beautiful oasis. Everybody loves her back yard!! This year her back yard yielded an even more spectacular view, a front row seat to the Aurora Borealis. It was stunning.

Amy tried growing the kind of flowers she wanted here, in Wyoming, but our climate wasn’t conducive to the kind of garden that she wanted. To top it off, Amy prefers a more mild climate. It’s not that they don’t get some cold weather in northwestern Washington, but they don’t get the amount of snow and the bitter cold that we get in Wyoming. The reality is that Amy is a “beach lover” and is much more in her element there. I get that. The rainforest and the beaches of the Pacific Northwest are very pleasant, and such a nice place to visit. Amy also loves the rain, which I can relate to, but probably not to the same degree that she loves it. A gray day is totally her cup of tea.

Amy and her family love to entertain, and they have a detached garage/recreation room that they have turned into the perfect entertainment place. They even named it T&Avern!! It is connected to their covered patio, and it is a wonderful place to gather with friends and family. When they aren’t entertaining, Amy and her husband, Travis, and their kids, Shai and Caalab like to go to the casinos sometimes to do a little gambling. They usually do very well in their gambling, often winning…and not just a pittance. I need to go and let them gamble for me, rather than me gambling for me. I would likely fare better if I did. Maybe anyway. When she wins, I always ask her if she was using my dollar. She always says no!! Go figure!! Oh well, I’m glad when they win!! Today is Amy’s birthday. Happy birthday Amy!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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