My nephew, Jason Sawdon is a true caretaker. While many people have become caretakers by necessity, or because of their career choices, few are the kind of person that instinctively places the needs and comfort of others before their own needs. Jason is one of those few…true caretakers. Jason really loves making sure everyone around him is comfortable and that they have what they need. Jessi, my niece, Jason’s wife tells me that “It doesn’t matter if we have guests or if we’re camping, or if we are guests at someone’s house. He always makes sure everyone is situated first before taking care of himself.” That is the kind of thing that endears Jason to everyone who knows him.
Jason is the epitome of selflessness. Jason has such a caring nature, and on top of this, he is an incredibly
patient teacher. A couple of years ago, Jason was promoted to Sergeant of Equipment and Technology with the Wyoming Highway Patrol. Part of Jason’s job is to train people on the systems they use. There are a lot of people to train, and what they do is very important. When Jason is not working, he is always willing to lend a hand while teaching at the same time. Jason never acts frustrated if people ask questions…or how many times they ask. Jason never loses his patience with his students, and he is totally understanding when a student needs extra help. Jessi tells me, “I promise you’ve never met a more patient, understanding man.”
Jason love his family, and Jessi’s family. He is really good to all of them. He and Jessi have been spending a lot of time with Jessi’s sister, Lindsay Moore, her husband Shannon Moore, and daughter Mackenzie. They live about an hour away from each other, and that makes it convenient for both. And the little girls are very close, so they get cousin time, and we all know that’s important. Shannon is a coach for the Wyoming Cowboys, so
they go to a lot of the games, and everyone has a great time.
Jason is an incredible highway patrolman, but he is also a fun-loving guy, a great husband, and a wonderful dad to their daughter, Adelaide. Always making jokes and up for an adventure. Jessi and Adelaide love spending time with him. His job keeps him very busy, but he never lets anything come before his family. Of course, that means putting himself last again, because even when he is exhausted…family comes first. Jessi says, “Jason is just a generous all-around good guy that everyone loves and gravitates toward. We’re so blessed that he is ours and we get to celebrate him!” Today is Jason birthday. Happy birthday Jason!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
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