My grandniece, Katie Balcerzak has been a part of this family for a very long time. When she was dating my grandnephew, Keifer Balcerzak, I remember thinking a couple of things. The first was that she was a beautiful girl, and the second was that she and Keifer seemed so young. You don’t often see high school sweethearts who get married, and then stay married, but these kids did, and they are very happy. Their marriage has been blessed with two beautiful children, Reese and Asa, who share their sweet mommy’s smile. These beautiful babies are the everything to their parents, and the four of them are happy as can be.
Katie is such a loving mom, and her babies are everything to her…and Keifer too, of course. He is Katie’s best friend. They are totally compatible and are always going in the same direction in life. They are best friends, and I think they
were best friends long before they married, but then that’s pretty common in “best friend” marriages. Now their friendship has grown and includes their children. Katie is teaching her kids to love life. They play. They laugh. They smile…and those smiles light up every one of those faces. In fact, their whole face smiles.
This has been a very full summer for the whole Balcerzak family. Everyone has been to or participated in sporting events. Katie is a “sports mom” who goes to almost everything her kids participate in. And the stuff her husband participates in. Reece has tried a number of sports, from t-ball to horseback riding, and Katie has supported her in each new endeavor. That’s the thing about Katie. She is one of the greatest support persons out there. If you look at Katie’s Facebook page, you will find very few pictures of her, because it’s all about her family. She is so supportive of anything they like. This summer, Reece is into gardening, so the pictures show Reece and her flowers. Asa is into just about anything his big sister in into, although the flowers aren’t his big interest…the sprinkler is, hahaha!! It doesn’t matter. Katie is just enjoying the whole process of watching her kids grow up. Today is Katie’s birthday. Happy birthday Katie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
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