vintage jewelry
My niece, Toni Chase has always been a very industrious person. A while back, Toni started her own eBay store, where she sells vintage jewelry and other vintage items, as well as items she has purchased and added her own special bling to make them a completely new and very unique item. Then she sells these items. Toni is, in many ways, all about vintage. She and her husband, Dave Chase, travel quite a bit, and that gives Toni the opportunity to find many of the unique items she sells. She has an eye for just the right, special item for her siblings too, especially when in comes to clothing, shoes, or handbags. So, when she is shopping for her store, she always keeps an eye out for special gifts for her siblings and mom. That makes her sisters and mom
very blessed when it comes to birthdays and Christmas, and just because. They always know that Toni will find the very coolest things for them. I have even been the recipient of a pair of super cute books that She knew would be perfect for me.
In addition to her eBay store, Toni also works a full time job. Talk about staying busy…that’s Toni for sure. With her eBay business, traveling, hiking with her husband and son, James Renville, and working full time, I’m surprised that she has any time to sleep. Toni has enlisted the help of her husband, Dave in part of her business too. He helps with packing and I’m sure he is her main runner, but what would a business do without the errand runners. And Dave doesn’t mind helping out, so that’s great.
Toni has always had a soft heart and especially where people are concerned. I think that if Toni could, she would give her family and friends the moon, but unfortunately, that isn’t something she can do right now, maybe after she wins the lottery…right!! If I know Toni, that wouldn’t be too far from the truth. Toni is a loving person, who is always pleasant to be around. She always wears a smile, and is loved by all who know her. When I saw a saying my friend posted on Facebook, it immediately reminded me of Toni. It went like this, “I’m not impressed by money, social status, or job title, but by the way someone treats other human beings.” I think that says it all. Toni treats human beings as if they were all her family. It makes her who she is. She is perfect, just the way she is. Today is Toni’s birthday. Happy birthday Toni!! Have a great day!! We love you!!