moonlight rides

My nephew, Josh Griffith was raised in the country, and when he grew up, he knew that country life was how he wanted to raise his family too. When he and my niece, Susan were first married, they had a place in Powell, Wyoming, but it wasn’t in the country. Susan wasn’t raised in the country, but she wasn’t opposed to the idea of country life. She was nervous about things like 4-wheelers and horses, but Josh helped her get past her worries, and they began planning for a move to the country someday. It helped that Josh’s parents had horses, so that Josh could teach his girls, Jala and Kaytlyn, as well as Susan to ride them. Josh was a great teacher. Jala especially took to riding as if she had been born in the saddle. It took Susan a little longer, and Kaytlyn was a bit young at first, but as she grows, I know she will love riding too.

Susan had always loved camping, as her family liked to do, and I’m sure that Josh not only fit in, but probably convinced Susan that country life is quite similar to camping. As the time grew nearer, they grew more and more excited about buying their country house, and getting horses, and 4-wheelers. Then, in 2013, Josh and Susan moved their family to the country. They were so excited. Susan planned to grown a garden and can the food from it, and Josh couldn’t wait to get those horses. Of course, he also knew how life is in the country. There isn’t anyone to clear your street, because your street is usually a dirt road driveway. So, Josh got out there and worked to keep the way clear so they could get in and out…no easy task, to which I can attest. Many was the time when we lived in the country that the wind blew the road closed, and we had to trudge through the snow to get to the house. I don’t think the wind blows as bad in the Powell area, so I hope it’s easier for Josh to keep in clear.

Josh and Susan love living in the country so much, that they would really prefer not to have to got to town, but that is not to be. Their jobs and the kids school and activities has seen to that. Nevertheless, they all love to head up to the Bluetooth Mountains as much as they can. There they all ride, and relax. Josh and Jala like to race the horses a little bit. Josh has taught Jala to ride very well. They love to fish and ride, as well as hunt and hike. Christmas on their country estate brings snow, and most likely a few moonlight rides in the crisp air. They really love Christmastime in their country home. For Josh, and his family, there is just nothing sweeter than livin’ the country life. Today is Josh’s birthday. Happy birthday Josh!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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