
My nephew, Barry Schulenberg has a year as a supervisor under his belt now, and he has decided that he really likes being the one in charge. It’s not about being power hungry, but rather about helping his workers to become the best team they can be. The job they do is important to people of this county. Barry is a supervisor for the Highway Department, and his area is Natrona County. He is dedicated to keeping our highways safe for the people who drive on them, and he does an excellent job.

Barry had never considered being the boss, until this position was offered to him. Since he was a little kid, hanging out with his grandpa, my father-in-law, Walt Schulenberg, all Barry wanted to do was to be a mechanic…just like his grandpa. In fact, Barry simply couldn’t see the need to go to school when his grandpa needed him to help out in the garage. Of course, that was Barry as a five-year-old, and he soon realized that school was important too…unfortunately. These days, as the supervisor, I’m sure he is thankful for his education, which allowed him to be promoted to the position he now holds.

Barry loves his job, but it is not his whole life. On his off-duty time, Barry likes to hang out with his wife Kelli and their dog, Scout. He loves camping, hiking, bicycling, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. He also loves to travel and go to concerts…a passion he and Kelli share. The have a place out in the country as well, that provides them the peace and quiet they enjoy. He can often be found in the summertime, mowing on is riding mower, or watering the trees, when he isn’t relaxing or playing with Scout. The Big Horn Mountains is one of their favorite places to go camping, and like many other Wyomingites, the summer fires up there have left them concerned for their favorite camping spots. Last summer’s fire was one that was almost unheard of in prior years. Much of the forest, including a lot of the campgrounds were damaged. I’m sure it will be with great anxiety that people will head back up there this summer.

All in all, it has been a great year for Barry. He and Kelli have done some traveling, and Barry has had to travel for meetings and such for his job, but it has been good. I don’t suppose most people like meetings, and I don’t know how Barry feels about them, but it has been a real learning experience for him, and while it isn’t the way he thought his life would turn out, I know that being a supervisor was the next logical step, and one he can be proud to have taken. Today is Barry’s birthday. Happy birthday Barry!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

If you were ever a kid, you have played this one…the secret clubhouse.  Ours was located in the attic of my parents garage. It was enclosed so we could walk around, provided we were careful not to step between the rafters and thereby through the floor.  We spent a lot of time up there in the secret clubhouse…friends and sisters alike. It was just a great hangout. Of course, we had to have a president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer. Not that any of these positions really had any kind of an official job, except possibly the secretary part. She had to take the minutes of the meetings. Not that much ever happened at the meetings, besides maybe deciding on the treats for the next meeting. The main thing I remember about the offices of our secret meetings is that the names of the officers were written on the walls of the attic. They are probably still there to this day.

Secret club meetings can be held in a variety of places, because lets face it, not everyone can meet in the attic of their garage. Some are held in bedrooms, some outside…sometimes in a box, and some even in spare bathrooms…anywhere that kids can hide from the rest of the world and spend a little time in a fantasy world. They might pretend to be spies, which I know we did, or they might play school, which always strikes me as funny, since they don’t seem to want to go to school in real life. I’m not sure what makes it different in the world of make believe, except maybe the recess is a lot longer. Or they might even plan a play to be presented to their parents…or the neighborhood…for a fee, of course, since the dues weren’t ever really enough for the treats needed at the meetings. Thank goodness for mom or grandma for providing the necessary treats for the meetings, but our goal was always to be able to make that all important trip to the store to get special treats.

My girls had their secret club meetings, as did my grandchildren. It was always fun to watch them…from a distance, of course…no adults allowed you know, and remember when that was me, my sisters and friends holding our secret meetings and planning whatever it was that was on the agenda that day. I would love to show you pictures of those meetings, but everybody knows that there are no cameras allowed in the secret club meetings!! It just isn’t done. In fact the only evidence of secret club meetings is a few scattered and discarded notes, and maybe some empty dishes to point out the fact that the secret members were here. And once the cleaning lady came through, no evidence at all.

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