green hornet
I was having trouble coming up with something to blog about tonight, and then my husband and I went to the show. We saw The Green Hornet 3D. It was a great experience. You have to pay extra for the glasses, but it is well worth it.
Now, I’m sure many of you have seen movies in 3D before, but we had not, so this was a very different experience for us. We had been told that it felt like things jumped right out at you, but you don’t really understand exactly what that means until you see it. I am a huge fan of action movies, so I have probably seen then all, and I can honestly say that all of them would be enhanced by 3D. When there was a car wreck, you felt like it was right there, close enough to touch. When the semi-truck was coming right at them, you felt like you just got hit. And things that came out at the edge of the screen, felt like you just ran into them. It was so cool!!
I consider myself a bit of a techy, so the new technology in movies is always very interesting to me. I think this one of the most awesome advances, and if you haven’t experienced it, I would highly recommend it.