first grader
My grandniece, Reece Balcerzak is a spunky, happy girl, with a bubbly personality. I love seeing Reece’s interactions with and views of the world around her. She views everything with a sense of wonderment and delight. You might think that because she got a super early start in life, her parents might feel the need to be overly protective, but they are level-headed people who realize that once she left Presbyterian Saint Luke’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado, she was a strong, healthy baby. Reece was a fighter…at least in that sense of the word. Other than that, she is just a happy girl, who doesn’t really do a lot of fighting. Reece is big sister to her little brother Asa, and they sure do love each other. Reece is a born motherly type, and she loves to show her brother everything she knows, especially how to have fun.
Both Reece is her own girl, and she follows her own path. Her parents, Keifer and Katie Balcerzak, are her biggest fans, and who can blame them. Reece is a sweet little treasure with an infectious giggle. She looks at life with a happy-go-lucky attitude, and she doesn’t let anything get her down. I’m not even sure I have ever seen her with a serious or scowling look on her face, but I suppose there must have been a time or two when she did. The fact is that Reece looks at life as a gift to be treasured and a challenge to be met. Maybe that comes from her uncertain beginnings, but the fact that she was a teeny tiny little preemie girl has never held her back.
Reece is a first grader this year, and she loves going to school, playing with her friends, and learning new things. She has a curious mind, and a playful spirit. I’m sure that like most first graders, her favorite class is recess, but I’m also sure she is a good little student. She makes friends easily, and she is very resourceful. She likes to be active and has tried a number of different sports. I don’t know if she has settled on any one thing as her absolute favorite, but she has lots of time to make up her mind. For now, she has her own ideas on things, and while her ideas may not be what the rest of the world thinks, Reece just doesn’t care. She only needs to be true to herself anyway, right. Today is Reece’s 7th birthday. Happy birthday Reece!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
When I think of my grand niece, Kaytlyn Griffith, I imagine a little girl of about three years of age. Of course, that is ridiculous, because she was born in 2008, not 2012. Kaytlyn has a beautiful smile, and a curious nature. Kaytlyn is the youngest daughter of my niece, Susan and her husband, Josh, and she went behind my back and grew to be a beautiful seven year old first grader. School might be a bit more lonely this year, because her big sister, Jala is in middle school this year, but I think she will adapt just fine. Of course, I don’t get to see her very much, since she lives in Powell, but her Aunt Machelle has kept me updated a little bit.
Kaytlyn is a goofy girl who loves to make funny faces and say goofy things. She is also very interested in they way people laugh. She finds that quite funny. I can agree with that, since I love to listen to the different ways that people laugh. Sometimes…especially for kids, the different ways people laugh can seem especially funny. And they can laugh about it…unlike adults sometimes…who are worried about offending people.
A while back, Kaytlyn was quite sick, and it was a horrible experience. She spent a few days in the hospital, and if she is like me, she doesn’t ever want to go back. This year, as flu season approached, Kaytlyn became somewhat concerned about catching the flu. I told her Aunt Machelle, that I can totally understand that, given what she went through before.
In reality, Kaytlyn is an all around sweetheart and very good girl. She has a seriously funny sense of humor, and will do just about any goofy thing to make people laugh. I recently saw a video of her, and I don’t know if anyone else was watching her at the time, but I know that I laughed and laughed. I suppose that most seven year olds are pretty silly…most of the time, and I’m here to tell you that Kaytlyn is no exception to that rule. A goofier girl there never was.
As Kaytlyn continues with her academic career, I know that she will be a good student, because she is as smart as a whip. From what I can see, she loves school, and all the activities that go with it. Last year was especially fun for her, when she got to be a tight rope walker in the Kindergarten Circus. I can tell that she really loved that. But then, Kaytlyn loves doing things that make her look pretty too. Today is Kaytlyn’s 7th birthday. Happy birthday Kaytlyn!! Have a great day!! We love you!!