
It happens with every child, some sooner, some later. Either way, our babies grow up and it always happens much sooner than we want it to. It’s especially hard for parents, when it’s the youngest child. That is the position my niece Jenny Spethman and her husband, Steve find themselves in when it comes to their youngest child, Aleesia Spethman. It’s not that Aleesia is all grown up or anything, but she isn’t their little girl anymore either. Now Aleesia calls herself a “pre-teen” and insists that everyone else does too.

This year, she decided to get rid of all of her little girl stuff. She got rid of the pink room and painted it a beautiful turquoise. She’s got her own style and doesn’t want her mom fixing her hair like a little girl. Aleesia is a sweet girl, the family princess, with three big brothers watching out for her all the time. She doesn’t resist their watchful eyes, but rather loves having three big brothers.

The family just got back from a trip to Rapid City to have some fun at the water park. Aleesia and her brothers, Xander, Zack, and Isaac, as well as Xanders girlfriend Alli Simpson are like fish. They all love to go swimming and play at the water park, as do Aleesia’s parents. A great time was had by all, and with school right around the corner, it was a nice final summer break. In fact, Aleesia has had a really great summer She’s been hanging out with her friends, and occasionally her grandma, my sister, Cheryl Masterson, but maybe not quite as much as she did when she was little. That’s a bittersweet thing to my sister, because Aleesia is her youngest grandchild, and she is growing up way too fast.

Aleesia is going into 5th grade, which means that this is her final year of elementary school. This year she gets to be the big kid on campus, and the next year, she’s the little one again. Still, she’s not really little anymore. When Aleesia was a baby, her mom bought a trike with a basket, so she could ride with the family, and Aleesia could ride in the basket. Jenny still has it, but now, Aleesia took it over. I guess she can carry her own stuff in it now. She may not really have a need to carry anything in it, but she likes it, so that’s all that matters. Today is Aleesia’s 10th birthday. Happy birthday Aleesia!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandniece, Jala Satterwhite is having a great year. It is a year of firsts in many ways. A couple of weeks ago, she flew to Atlanta, Georgia…ALONE!! That in itself had her mom, Susan Griffith, in cringe mode. It was her first time, and that is a really big deal. The trip took Jala from Billings to Denver, and then to Atlanta. The Atlanta airport is one of the largest in the country, and Susan was really a nervous wreck. Jala met her boyfriend, Daylon Clarkson, in Atlanta, and then they spent a couple weeks at his aunt’s lake house in North Carolina. They had a wonderful time. Jala really hasn’t had a chance to travel so far from home alone, and she really enjoyed herself. She got to see lightning bugs and hear some frogs that sound like they must be huge in the evenings. The hummingbirds are huge there, and they look like a small airplane. The kids spent quite a bit of time on a boat there to. You just wouldn’t be at a lake house and not be on the water.

When the time came, way too soon, to head for home, they drove Daylon’s truck back just about a week ago with another one of their friends. They decided to drive straight through, taking turns driving and not stopping at all. Susan was really worried about that part, but these kids are adults now too, so they know the risks. One thing I’ve learned, after taking my own all-night drive with my granddaughter driving the whole way, is that these kids are night owls, and they can somehow get away with that. Nevertheless, I know how Susan feels too. It’s really hard to let your kids “spread their wings” but you have to do it. I think they left last Monday morning and rolled into town Tuesday evening around 7:00pm. it had to have been a really long two days. Pretty crazy kids! At least they made a few “sightseeing” stops on the way back. It gave them a chance to stretch their legs too. I’m sure that made the long drive easier and a lot more pleasant.

Jala is still deciding if she wants to go to college or just learn as she works. Right now, she is working at a dog boarding kennel. She loves working with dogs and is pretty good at it. She seems to have a way with animals of all kinds, although she hasn’t had a lot of time for her beloved horses this year. It’s difficult to fit in lots of time to ride and work full time too, but priorities have to change as life changes, and for Jala, it has been a year full of changes. At this point anyway, it looks like she will continue to live in Powell, which makes her mom very happy. Sometimes a trip away from home serves to make you realize just how much you love your home. Today is Jala’s 20th birthday. Happy birthday Jala!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandnephew, Jaxon Killinger is such a sweet boy. Even though he is turning seven today, he is really good friends with his cousin, Elliott Stevens, who is just four now. The age difference doesn’t matter, because he chooses to be good friends with her, and they just seem to click somehow. Elliott absolutely loves him!! Elliott just got a baby sister, so much if the family was visiting Sheridan to see the new baby. Whenever Jaxon or his sister, Brooklyn stepped away from Elliott more than a few steps away, she would get upset. As far as she is concerned, they are “her” friends, and nobody else’s!! It’s easy to understand why that is, because Jaxon has the ability to make Elliott laugh and laugh. He is funny, and he really enjoys being goofy for her.

For a while, Jaxon wasn’t too sure of how he felt about the water, but now he is really emerging for that feeling of being a bit scared of it, and he has learned how to get around really well in the water. So much so, in fact, that he really loves the water now. He loves to go to the pool and lake. He is not afraid to go down any of the slides and even likes to do belly flops!! Now, that is a kid who must love the water. I know I don’ really like belly flops!! Before long, Jaxon will be like Kevin on “Home Alone,” practicing his cannonballs in the pool. Everyone should prepare to be splashed. Jaxon is having a great time enjoying all the summertime fun things.

Elliott got a “Frozen” car for her birthday, and Jaxon loves riding around with her in it. Of course, he would rather drive…what boy wouldn’t, and he is pretty good at driving it too. Elliott is good about sharing, so it’s a win-win for both of them. I am really quite amazed at how well some of these little kids do with driving at such a young age. They aren’t in traffic or anything, unless they manage to escape from their parents, but most of them don’t run into too many things.

Jaxon is still very close with his big “sissy,” Brooklyn too, and doesn’t like to get too far from her. He definitely looks to her for guidance and protection, after all at 9 years old, she has been around a lot longer than he has, and she knows the ropes. Today is Jaxon’s 7th birthday. Happy birthday Jaxon!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandnephew, Matt Masterson is very quickly becoming a man. Recently, Matt has been looking for a job. Matt likes to be a help to his family, and since he is the only one of the kids that drive, he is really good about taking his sisters, Raelynn and Taylor wherever they need to go. He offers to take them to get food, drinks, or anything else they want to do. He really enjoys having them in the car with him, unless he has a lot on his mind.

Unfortunately, with driving comes the possibility of accidents, and while Matt has not had an accident that was his fault, he has been in two accidents, and on the last one, Raelynn was with him. Matt is so supportive of his sisters. After calling his parents and the cops, Matt came back to make sure Raelynn had her water and helped her through the panic attack she was having. No one was hurt in the accident, but Raelynn was still scared. Matt just took control. He had her sit down, and talked her through it, making sure that she stayed focused of the positive side of things. Matt is such a great brother to his sisters. They depend on him for many things, and Raelynn says that she can tell that he is going to be an “awesome dad one day too, when he decides he wants kids.”

For now, that is down the road a little bit, since Matt is only 17 years old. For now, Matt has been looking for a job! He really wants to be able to help out. Not many 17-year-old kids are interested in being a contributor to the family finances, so that is cool. Even things like buying his own clothes and other supplies can be helpful. Clothes are expensive. Matt is looking forward in life, planning his future. He may not know exactly where he is going right now, but he focused on making good decisions and staying on the right track. Even though it’s summer, Matt’s been sleeping in less and making an effort to be nice to people and get out and do things more! That’s a big job in this Post-Covid-Lockdown world. Today is Matt’s 17th birthday. Happy birthday Matt!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My nephew, Dave Balcerzak has had a busy, but somewhat trying year. It seems like it’s been one project after another and trying to stay ahead of it can be stressful. Last summer his car became the project, and then came his truck, and some more needed repairs. While Dave didn’t do the work alone and didn’t do any of the work on the truck, there is always cost involved, not to mention the stress that vehicle maintenance can bring.

In addition to the vehicle work, Dave and his wife, my niece, Chantel Balcerzak, have been doing some projects around the house. They did some beautiful work in their kitchen and family room, and then did some beautiful work in their back yard, which was finished just in time for their daughter and son-in-law, Siara and Chris Kirk’s wedding on July 23rd. While the whole thing turned out amazing, but they felt rushed to get it done in time for the ceremony. While, these kinds of projects can be stressful, and at times irritating and even a cause for arguments, they are done now and done exactly to their dream specifications. Chantel says they feel very blessed by the finished results and in awe because neither of them seem to know how they actually managed to get it done. I haven’t seen the back yard “in person.” I’ve seen pictures, and I think their “dream specifications” are amazing. Chris and Siara’s wedding was beautiful and an enjoyable occasion for everyone who was there.

Dave is the kind of husband and dad, who loves his blended family deeply, and he has chosen to be a great dad to all of them…Keifer (Katie) Balcerzak, Katy (Dylan) Herr, Jake (Melanie) Harman, and Siara (Chris) Kirk…as well as grandchildren, Alice Green, Izabella Harman, Jaxx Harman, Reece Balcerzak, Aysa Balcerzak, Max Herr, and Alec Olsen (now in Heaven, and greatly missed). Dave is so dedicated to his family, and for Chantel’s kids, he is definitely the dad that “he didn’t have to be” but chose to be. Dave is a cheerful kind of man and loves to laugh. He tends to make everything fun when he is around. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. In fact, he’s a big teddy bear…just ask those grandbabies.

Dave works on computers by trade, and he is my go-to guy whenever my computer is having an issue. It’s nice to have someone in the family that has that skill. It saves us a lot of money, and I’d much rather pay family to work on my stuff than to pay anyone else. Of course, the guy has to be good at what he does, which Dave is. It’s always nice to have a family network of people who can help people. Being a blessing to one another is a great way to be that blessing, and Dave is just that. Today is Dave’s birthday. Happy birthday Dave!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My nephew, Joel (JD) Parmely, is a college educated mechanic, who really knows his stuff. He comes from a long line of mechanics, of which my husband, Bob Schulenberg is one, both of JD’s brothers, Barry Schulenberg and Eric Parmely are two more, and Bob’s brother, Ron Schulenberg rounds out the group. These guys have a family network of consultants who can help with any project they are working on and believe me they are all always working on something. It’s nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and maybe get a little help for a tough job. JD has become a go-to consultant for Bob, and also an extra set of hands when a job demands that, and of course, if JD needs a hand, Bob is always willing to return the favor.

JD loves kids, especially his nieces, Reagan, Hattie, and Maeve Parmely and his nephew, Bowen Parmely. He may not get to see them all the time, but when he does, the kids know that it’s fun time. In reality, JD is as much a kid as his nieces and nephews. He loves to play and tease them, and they love it too. Whatever they are into at the moment, JD is up for. He always has enough energy to roughhouse with them and he will, of course, help with any mechanical things that Bowen might be wanting to try. He will swing the kids around, or push them in the swings, or just go for a walk with them. JD loved being an uncle, and the kids love that he does.

JD is a car fanatic. He has around twelve or more, all licensed, insured, and driven often. He has a beautiful blue classic pickup, lots of cars and trucks, and even a flatbed trailer that has come in handy for Bob and me on occasion…like the other day, when our car broke down two hours away from home, and JD willingly took a road-trip to pick up our car and bring it to town. JD has a truck with a wench attached to it, so he can tow and lift things onto his trailer. That’s just another way that the family network has come in handy. JD is such a helpful person, and he has come to our rescue several times, and to Bob’s rescue on a job more times than I can possibly count. He even helped Bob when he was just a little guy of just two years. Now that one was just cute. JD always did love to be a helper. Today is JD’s birthday. Happy birthday JD!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandniece, Katie Balcerzak has been a part of our family, since she married my grandnephew, Keifer Balcerzak in 2015. Together they have two beautiful children, Reece and Aysa Balcerzak. They have been so blessed with two happy, smiling children, who bring more joy to their lives than they could ever have imagined. Reece was born in 2017 and Asa was born in 2021. Now their family is complete. They love doing all the fun activities, like sports and such. Reece is trying different things like t-ball, and while that may not be the sort for her, Katie and Keifer encourage her to give it a shot. They are good parents…always encouraging their kids and each other.

I liked Katie from the first time I met her. We have a few things in common, mostly that we both have sisters, and no brothers. It can make us feel unsure about having boys. While I didn’t have boys, I had three grandsons and only one granddaughter. Katie had a daughter first, and then her son. Either way, for a girl with all sisters, even if she had nephews, having those boys is a bit of a culture shock. Nevertheless, you adapt, and Katie has adapted beautifully. In fact, the love she has for both of her children shows all over her face. It’s just beautiful.

Katie has always been very close to her sisters. The bond they have reminds me of my bond with my sisters. There is something about a family of sisters. Girls think alike. They like the same things, and they like to share their hopes and dreams. The bond between sisters is like a best friend, but much closer. That is the bond Katie has with her sisters, Kellee Schuerman, Martha Simkin, and Bernnie Steadham, have had since they were little girls. Whenever they are together, you can see their love for each other by the smiles on their faces. There is a closeness, comradery, and sisterhood, that is forever. Katie has had the privilege of being a part of a wonderful family, and parents, Vicki Jammerman and Thad Davidson, who taught her and her sisters to be loving, nurturing, and kind people. Their parents taught them good values and it shows in their lives.

When Katie met Keifer, it was love almost immediately. They were young, but they knew that they would become a couple, and grow a family…and that is exactly what they did. They two sweet people were meant to be together. Theirs is a match made in Heaven, and it grows more and more beautiful with each passing day. Today is Katie’s birthday. Happy birthday Katie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My grandniece, Melanie Harman is a sweet girl, who has been so good for my grandnephew, Jake Harman. I would be very hard-pressed to come up with the wonderful things that Jake has to say about his wife. Kake says, “Mel is the most beautiful woman alive, and I mean that physically, mentally, and spiritually. She loves God and whenever anything is wrong her first reaction is pray about it. She wants to give it to God, knowing He is the only one who can fix it.”

Melanie is a hard worker. Currently, she is working for Door Dash, and she has become one of the best loved dashers. When she walks into a place to pick up an order, she will sometimes be on the phone with Jake, and he hears the conversation. He says that everyone yells, “Hi Mel!!” Then, Jake can hear them fighting over who’s best friend she is!! That’s definitely Melanie, and it makes Jake so proud that his wife is so loved. She is always so happy and kind, that people can’t help but love her and want to be her friend. When Melanie isn’t door dashing, she works with her mom to clean their church Mondays and Thursdays. After cleaning, she will go door dash. It makes for a long day, but even after that long day she comes home to her 4 babies…counting Jake, that is, who are all demanding her time. Still, she keeps that beautiful smile on her face and gives each of them the time they need to feel loved.

Jake tells me that he just has no clue how she does it, but she somehow seems to give all of them all of her time. He said that he goes to sleep every night, thanking God for such a beautiful woman and sometimes, he wakes up in a bit of a panic, thinking Melanie was just a dream. Then, Jake says, “I roll over to see her peacefully sleeping and the beauty of my life starts all over because her smile lights up a room and her voice is the closest to what I picture an angel would sound like. She always knows how to handle us whether it is tough mom, fun mom, rude mom, or whatever we need, that’s what she is. She is the best part of each of our lives and definitely proof that God is real. I know He is because without Him she would not be possible.” How can I possibly say it better? Today is Melanie’s birthday. Happy birthday Melanie!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

My little grandniece, Elliott Stevens has been very busy lately. On June 24, 2022, Elliott had a life-changing event occur in her life, when she became big sister to Maya Stevens. Elliott was always a happy girl, and really, very comfortable in her life. I don’t think she even minded being an only child, but then she really didn’t know anything else, so I suppose it doesn’t really count. Now, however, Elliott has a little sister, and that have made her life even better than before. Elliott loves helping her parents, Kayla and Garrett Stevens with Maya, and she and Maya are fast becoming best friends, as well as sisters. You can see the love that shows on their faces every time they are together. Elliott has other activities too, so holding her baby sister isn’t something she can do all the time, although she would if she could. Elliott is getting to be very capable at holding her sister, and loves to make her smile, and help with her care in any way she can. Maya, looking lovingly at
her big sister and knows that before long she will get to play with her too. It’s baby sister love for big sister.

Elliott can’t take care of her sister all the time, because she has a number of fun activities, she is involved in. She takes swimming lessons, as well as, gymnastics, and she goes to daycare, where she has lots of friends that she enjoys spending time with. Elliott is also her daddy’s best little helper. Maya will become a good helper too, but she too little right now. Elliott and her daddy build things together and paint things too, like the playhouse her and her daddy built for her. Elliott works very hard, and I know her daddy appreciates all her help. She also loves going to the park with her parents, and now her baby sister too. She loves the swings and slides the best, I think. Now that her grandpa, Mike Stevens is retired, he and Elliott’s grandma, Alena Stevens can go to Sheridan for visits more often. Elliott’s other grandparents, Lynette and Wes Smiley live in Sheridan, so she gets to see them lots too.

Elliott is a girly girl. She loves makeup, princess clothes, and of course…heels. She even has her own play makeup, and she loves putting it on, even if she isn’t perfect at it just yet…but then what girl starts out putting on her makeup perfectly. We all have to experiment until we find our perfect look. Elliot also loves to spend time with her cousins, Brooklyn and Jaxxon Killinger. They like to go swimming, to the park…or just hang out. It’s a good life, and Elliott is enjoying every minute of it. Today is Eliott’s 4th birthday. Happy birthday Elliott!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

For the first ten years of her life, my Aunt Laura Fredrick, was an only child. I have never been able to find out why that was exactly. There is no indication of a miscarriage or anything, but when she was ten years old, she received a brother…my Uncle Bill Spencer. Then, two years later, she received another brother…my dad, Allen Spencer. Then, a year and a half later, she received a sister…my Aunt Ruth Wolfe. All the siblings have the same parents. Things happen that way sometimes, I guess. Aunt Laura had the distinct honor of sharing her birthday with her mother, Anna Schumacher Spencer, and they were very close companions. They did everything together.

When Aunt Laura was born in International Falls, Minnesota in 1912, her parents Allen and Anna Spencer, were living in a lumber camp, way back in the woods. During the day, it was Grandma and Aunt Laura. They were all the company they had. There might have been some other wives and families, but from what I’ve seen in pictures, they weren’t very close by. So, Aunt Laura spent most of her time with her parents. Her dad played the violin, and he wanted her to learn to play too. She did, of course, but she never really shared his love for the instrument. Her younger siblings would later be the ones to love playing an instrument, including the guitar and the violin.

Aunt Laura loved pretty things. Her home was absolutely beautiful. I remember going over there as a child and thinking that she must be the richest woman ever. Her house was filled with pretty and shiny things. I don’t recall, how big her house was, but it felt like a mansion to me…or maybe it was just because it seemed so elegant to me. My sisters and I didn’t really know Ant Laura all that well when we were children, but I got to know her a little better when my girls were just little. By then, Aunt Laura had moved away and was moving back to Casper. Her heat was not going to be turned on for two days, and it was bitterly cold outside. I don’t recall the reason we were all at some kind of dinner together, but Aunt Laura was planning to stay in her house all weekend in the cold. I told her that she certainly was not. I had a hide-a-bed, and my husband was working nights, so she stayed with the girls and me. Truly, we had a wonderful two days, and my girls had a blast. They loved company, and Aunt Laura, who had only boys in her family, seemed to really enjoy the antics of girls. Today is the 110th anniversary of my Aunt Laura’s birth. She lived to be 90 years old. Happy birthday in Heaven, Aunt Laura. We love and miss you very much.

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