For my niece, Toni Chase and her husband, Dave, travel is always on the agenda. They always have several trips to various places, some of which are quite exotic. Tonie tells me that this was “a very good year.” Over the Independence Day week, Toni and Dave took a trip to Glacier National Park with their son, James Renville and his wife Manuela…and of course, Toni and Dave’s puppies, Biscuit and Cricket. They all had an amazing time. They love doing a little hiking and exploring the lakes and rivers in the area. Later, Toni and Dave took a trip to New Mexico with his mom and sister. One of the highlights of the trip was the trip to White Rock overlooking the Rio Grande River. The view was majestic, and they absolutely loved the time together.
While the trips to Glacier and New Mexico were amazing, the trip that was the crème de la crème was the trip they took to Portugal. Dave had wanted them to take this trip for their tenth wedding anniversary, but Covid-19 rather got in the way, so they finally took the trip in September. The had a wonderful time, seeing all the sights and dining in all the best places. On the first night there, Toni had shrimp, and Dave took a picture of her plate to send as a joke to her son James. How the shrimp ended up with a face of sorts, I do not know. They took lots of pictures so that they will have great memories of this trip of a lifetime.
Toni and Dave also went to a couple of concerts this year. One was an outdoor concert, and the other was at Dropkick Murphy’s. The kids went to that one too. The concerts and trips were a welcome break from the renovations they have been working on in their rental house. The house has been sold now to James and Manuela, and James is especially excited about that, as it is the house he grew up in. Toni tells me that she spent just about every free second she had all winter and clear up to August working on that house getting it ready to sell to James and Manuela. The house didn’t have a lot of issues, but it was built in the 1950s, and as with any older home, things need to be repaired, updated, and modernized. All in all, it has been a busy year. Today is Toni’s birthday. Happy birthday Toni!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
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