My grandnephew, Ryder Birky has had a busy year of exploration and growth. You might be thinking that means that he is a young man embarking on a new career or something, but the reality is that Ryder is a little boy of just 2 years. I know, you are thinking, “how could he have changed so much?” And when I accidentally published Ryder’s story a month early, thinking that June was July for some reason, I had written a very different story about Ryder’s life than this one will be, too. On July 4th, little Ryder’s life took an unexpected turn that will change his life and that of his family forever. As his family prepared to celebrate the Independence Day holiday, Ryder’s daddy, Riley Birky and his uncle, Tucker Schulenberg and two friends, Dylan and Landon were in a car with fireworks, when the fireworks were somehow ignited. I don’t need to tell you the ramifications of that. So, the last month of Ryder’s year was spent away from his daddy and his uncle. Thankfully, both Riley and Tucker are doing well, but they will have a long road to full recovery, and Ryder is so young that maybe he won’t know that anything has changed. His daddy and uncle will just be his daddy and his uncle. Ryder’s mommy, Sierah Martin has been such a strong woman, holding everything together when she could have been falling apart. Because of that the whole family is going to be ok.

I don’t want to make Ryder’s birthday story be all doom and gloom, but this is a part of his history now, and as such, must be told. In reality, much of what has happened this month will someday seem like everyday life for Ryder. We don’t know what his daddy and uncle will look like in the future, but what we do know is that they will always be Riley and Tucker, and they will always be Ryder’s (and his brother, Jace Lee’s) daddy and uncle. And they will always love them to pieces. Ryder’s daddy is a wonderful dad, and he has given his boys the very best that is in him to give. Tucker loves those boys so much, and they love him too. Ryder’s life might never be considered normal or average, but Ryder has his daddy and his uncle, and that is what really matters. Sierah Martin and Riley Birky would normally have their hands full keeping their little “terrible twos” aged child corralled, but Tucker and Jace have been a big help with that. It’s not that they make Tucker babysit the little boys, it’s that Tucker wants to. That is another reason that the current situation is very hard. I think it will also be another reason that Riley and Tucker will work extra hard to get well. They have a beautiful family to get back to.

While Ryder and Jace have been spending some time with grandparents while their daddy, they got to spend a little time today doing some fun things. They went to the aquarium, went for breakfast, and then got to spend time with their daddy and uncle. That was the very best part of it. Showing Riley and Tucker how much they are loved. This birthday was different. This summer will be different, but this family knows they are very blessed. That is the most important thing. Ryder’s parents are such loving people. That makes Ryder a very happy boy. Today is Ryder’s 2nd birthday. Happy birthday Ryder!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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