My grandniece, Manuela Ortiz is a super sweet girl, who married into our family when she married my grandnephew, James Renville. They are so perfect for each other, because they are opposites who complement each other so well. Manuela is very outgoing, and she has opened up some new vistas for James. He has always loved to travel, and since Manuela immigrated from Columbia, they now have family in two countries. They went down to Columbia last year, and plan to go again in June. James loves her family, and they love him. Manuela has shown him all the sights of her home country, and they had a wonderful time. They are excited to be going again.

Last year, Manuela was given a promotion to Counseling Manager at the Wyoming Housing Network. She came to this country on a work visa to learn English, which she planned to use to improve her work status in Columbia, but things just worked out for the better here, because her language skills were very much valued at her new place of employment. They realized that she was going to be a great asset to the company, and they wanted to make sure she was happy. They succeeded!! Manuela has been making her department a better place for the counseling of first-time home buyers, and they are very happy with her work. She is a great manager and an easy person to work with.

Manuela and James also became first-time home buyers, when they had the opportunity to buy James’ childhood home from his mom. They did quite a bit of updating on the home before they moved in and have plans for more updates over the coming year. They are going to be replacing some of the old flooring, and they plan to hire a landscaping team to come in and do some work on the back yard. The house was a great house before, but I’m sure it is even more beautiful now, and since she is a first-time housing counselor, they already knew what to expect as first-time buyers.

While they are very settled these days, their love of travel is still very much intact. They are planning to take a little trip down to Saratoga, Wyoming to relax and enjoy the beautiful country there. They are very active, and the great outdoors is calling their names. I can relate. I love to hike and such too, so the idea of getting out in nature is very appealing. I know they will have a wonderful time, and I’m sure this will be just one of many future trips for them. Today is Manuela’s birthday. Happy birthday Manuela!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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