My nephew, Jason Sawdon is a great guy…just ask anyone who knows him. His sister-in-law, Chelsea Hadlock tells me that Jason is kind, helpful, and sister-in-law, Lindsay Moore says that he has a generous heart, which she believes to be straight from the Lord. Jason is always willing to help others with a variety of things. He helps out his church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, with their computer things, like streaming their services online, which is such an important part of church services these days. If people are sick, or just can’t get out of their home easily, they don’t have to miss out on the church service. Jason serves others gladly and with compassion. He is so handy and can truly figure anything out!!

Jason is dependable. If Jason says he will be there to help…he will. This past week, he helped his father-in-law, Chris Hadlock with the electrical work in Chris’ new garage. Jason did a great job on the wiring for the garage. It will be inspected next week, and they are confident it will get the green light. He has a lot of talent when it comes to electricity and engineering…a great plus, in the “saving money” arena. If you can save money, it’s a good thing. Having that help within the family is awesome.

Everyone tells me that Jason is also funny, but not in an obvious way!! You really can’t tell he’s joking unless you know him well!! Those are the best tricksters, because they will get you every time. Not everyone can tell a good joke or pull a really great prank with a straight face, and if you can’t, the prank with never go over. You have to have a “poker face” so to speak. Jason is quite a character, he and brings lots of fun and adventure to their lives!! Everyone feels blessed to have him as a brother-in-law, they love him very much. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t agree with them on that.

In a “Wild Hogs” kind of time, Jason went on a motorcycle trip with his friends this summer. They went on some backroads trails across the state of Wyoming. They had a great time. Now, I don’t know if they got into as much mischief as the original “Wild Hogs,” but I’d say probably not. Jason, being a Wyoming Highway Patrol Lieutenant, would be very unlikely to get into any trouble, and my guess is that at least some of his friends are also law enforcement, so…getting in trouble is not an option, Haha!!

My sister, Allyn Hadlock, Jason’s mother-in-law, like every mom, takes a different view about what traits are most important in her son-in-law, and Jason has gained her approval in every area. He is a great dad and husband. He is always happy to indulge, his wife, Jessi’s whims!! He’s a great guide to their daughter, Adelaide and loves her so much!! They have a lot of fun as a family, camping, traveling, or just time at home hanging out together. Allyn says, “We are very blessed to have Jason in our family!!” Today is Jason’s birthday!! Happy birthday Jason!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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