Every year, after having a carefree time of summer, the inevitable arrives…going back to school. Some kids love going back. Others hate going back, and some have mixed feelings about it. Still, there is a level of excitement for most kids, even if it’s just about new clothes and reconnecting with friends that they haven’t seen in three months. Some kids just like the routine of school, and feel bored in the summer, while others love being able to sleep in, and hate the idea of the routine of getting up, getting ready, and getting to school. At this point, most people are thinking about which of the above descriptions is them, because each of us fits in somewhere.

These days, even if kids don’t love going back to school, the latest tradition is to post pictures of the first day of school, along with what grade they are going to be in this year. Then, at the end of the year, they post last day of school pictures. The contrast between first and last day is often…amusing, as well as surprising. The first day, many are a little dressed up, or at least showing their new sense of style for the coming year, while the last day brings a very relaxed look showing that they can’t wait for summer’s arrival. Let’s face it while many kids love school, the human mind needs a break sometimes, and that is all there is to it. Anyone who doesn’t think kids need summer break, was simply never really a kid.

Some kids are heading off to college, or back to college. Some kids are continuing their elementary school careers, starting middle school, or starting high school. Some are taking their last, first day of school pictures and some people are taking their first, first day pictures. Whatever the case may be, each one is a unique and very special memory, and one that will be cherished forever. Each picture shows how much the child has grown and changed. It also shows a child who will never be the same again. By the end of the school year, that child will have grown and become someone entirely different. That’s what school does to kids. They spread their wings a fly, even if it’s just for a little while and for a little way. The child they were is quickly becoming the adult they will be, and the pictures simply show the journey each child has taken to reach their destination.

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