My grandniece, Aurora Hadlock started 8th grade yesterday. I keep asking myself, “How can that be?” She was just a baby the day before that, wasn’t she? No, of course, she wasn’t, but time certainly flies. She has grown into a beautiful young lady, who is definitely her mother, Chelsea Hadlock’s mini-me! Aurora is also in her second year of volleyball and totally loves it, despite the fact that practice is before school every day at 6am!! Now that’s dedication. This past weekend, she got to go to a comic con, so she could see the guys from Twilight. She loved walking around dressed up as Max from Stranger Things and buying art and Funko Pops. Still, Aurora’s favorite thing is reading and learning. She can always be found with a few books in her bag, just in case there is a moment to read.

Aurora has her own style. She is funny, clever, weird (and proud of it!), kind, compassionate, and encouraging. Her carefree style and the ease with which she communicates with people has made her a lot of friends, all of whom she calls her “bestie”, including her grandpa, Chris Hadlock!! She’s really finding her own way, with fashion and everything else, as she is quickly becoming a young woman. I love that she is following her own heart in all things, and not being just led along by what others think is style. She may like some things others do, but only if it suits her. She is her own girl. Full of confidence and spunk!! That’s as it should be.

Aurora has a sweet heart, and she is very good with her cousins, Adelaide, Mackenzie and Jolene. They absolutely love to play with Aurora!! She never acts like they are in the way, or that their games are beneath her. Rare qualities in a teenager. They all ask if she will be there every time the family all gets together…and I’m sure she will do her best to do so. She is definitely someone they all look up to!! She is such a sweetheart!!

When I asked about story ideas for Aurora, her aunt, Lindsay Moore said, “Oh you mean, Caroline?” Lindsay then went on to say, “Aurora is such a fun character and she has perfected her southern accent! We love Aurora. She is a kind and sweet girl! She is quickly growing up, but I still want to hold her like a little teeny tiny baby! She is a kind and sweet girl!!” I think that most of us feel the very same way.

The “Caroline” part intrigued me, so I asked about it. Lindsay told me, “It’s her southern name!! Lindsay said, “Aurora is Caroline, and they named Mackenzie (Lindsay’s daughter) Savannah when we were camping together.” The story goes like this according to Chelsea, “In 5th grade, Aurora’s teacher gave the class “southern names” because she was from the south and they thought it was funny. Aurora’s southern name was Caroline, and since then she will occasionally put on a southern accent and call herself Caroline. She’s so funny.” Well, there you have it Aurora is also “Caroline” and has perfected her southern accent too!! Today, Aurora is a teenager. Happy 13th birthday Aurora!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

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