Monthly Archives: August 2024
The shaking began at 9:51pm that August 31, 1886, and by the time it was over, more than 100 people in Charleston, South Carolina would be dead and hundreds of buildings were destroyed. It wasn’t that there were no warnings. There were…unheeded warnings in the form of two foreshocks that were felt in Summerville, South Carolina, on August 27th and 28th, but no one was prepared for the strength of the August 31 quake. The quake was felt as far away as Boston, Chicago, and even Cuba. Buildings were damaged as far away as Ohio and Alabama.
Even with all that, it was Charleston, South Carolina that took the biggest hit from the quake. While quake measurements in those days were not as accurate as they are these days, this quake was thought to measure a magnitude of about 7.6. Almost all of the buildings in Charleston were seriously damaged. Approximately 14,000 chimneys fell from the earthquake. Multiple fires erupted, and water lines and wells were ruptured. The total damage was in excess of $5.5 million in those days, which would figure to approximately $115 million today. The greatest damage was done to buildings constructed out of brick, which amounted to 81% of building damage. The frame buildings suffered significantly less damage. Another factor that came into play was kind of ground these buildings were built on. Buildings constructed on ground that had been built up to accommodate them (made ground), suffered significantly more damage than buildings constructed on solid ground, however, this relationship only occurred in wood-frame buildings. Approximately 14% of wood-frame buildings built on “made ground” sustaining damage, compared to 0.5% of wood-frame buildings built on solid ground sustaining damage.
The residential buildings sustained significantly less damage than the more prominent commercial buildings, most of which were destroyed, or nearly so. This was due to the fact that commercial buildings were older, had a more prominent top compared to the base of the building, and were made of brick. The Old White Meeting House near Summerville, South Carolina was reduced to ruins. Many of the other man-made structures were also damaged as a result of earth splits caused by the earthquake. The railroad tracks in Charleston and nearby areas were snapped and trains were derailed. In addition, flooding occurred in surrounding farms and roads when dams broke. Acres of land actually liquefied in many spots, which further damaged many buildings, roads, bridges, and farm fields.
Strangely, for an earthquake of this magnitude anyway, was the fact that there were no apparent surface cracks as a result of this tremor, but railroad tracks were bent in all directions in some locations. The true cause of this quake remained a mystery for many years, because there were no known underground faults for 60 miles in any direction. However, now, with better science and detection methods, scientists have recently uncovered a “concealed fault” along the coastal plains of Virginia and the Carolinas. While there is now a known fault, a quake of this magnitude is highly unlikely in this location. Nevertheless, this was the largest recorded earthquake in the history of the southeastern United States.
I have never been to the top of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, but I am intrigued by it, and by everything I have heard about it. Mount Washington is notorious for its erratic weather. On the afternoon of April 12, 1934, the Mount Washington Observatory recorded a windspeed of 231 miles per hour at the summit, the world record from 1934 until 1996. Mount Washington still holds the record for highest measured wind speed not associated with a tornado or tropical cyclone. Can you just imagine trying to stand outside in that wind? I can’t imagine trying to stand out in that wind, especially in winter, but I can imagine seeing that place…maybe not on a really windy day, but just to see the top would be very cool.
There are basically three ways to get to the top of Mount Washington. The first is to drive up on the Mount Washington Auto Road. If you choose this one, you can get one of the This Car Climbed Mount Washington bumper stickers that are common throughout New England following your trip up the mountain, but to me that rather defeats the purpose reaching the summit. Now, if a person is an experienced hiker, there is a hiking trail to the top. And if you are really fanatical, you can hike it in Winter, taking the Snow Coach halfway up. Now, I like to hike, but definitely not in the Winter. One of the shortest, most scenic, and most popular trails to the summit is the 4.2-mile class 2 Tuckerman Ravine Trail that starts at the AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center (2050′). While 4.2 miles is doable, the class 2 part, meaning “more difficult hiking that may be off-trail. You may also have to put your hands down occasionally to keep your balance. May include easy snow climbs or hiking on talus/scree. Class 2 includes a wide range of hiking, and a route may have exposure, loose rock, steep scree, etc” is a little more off-putting for me.
That leaves the final, and for me, most intriguing way to make the summit…the Mount Washington Cog Railway. While the other ways to reach the summit are very cool, the Cog is special!! This is basically a mountain climbing train. It’s a unique journey that is as much of a fun retro adventure as it is an impressive engineering
marvel. The track of the Cog Railway is approximately 3 miles long, and it ascends up Mount Washington’s western slope, beginning at an elevation of approximately 2,700 feet above sea level and ending just short of the mountain’s summit peak of 6,288 feet. The Cog is the second-steepest rack railway in the world to this day. It is second only to the Pitalus Railway in Switzerland.
My niece, Lindsay Hadlock has always been a strong Christian, but over the years, she has flourished and is now working in leadership positions within the faith too. We are all very proud of her in her endeavors. In late 2022, Lindsay felt led to start a Christian podcast called “The New Way To Live” and it is going so well. Her first podcast was on November 20, 2022, and I would encourage everyone to check it out. Lindsay’s faith is strong, and you can always tell how strongly the Holy Spirit guides her with her messages. Lindsay loves her church family too.
She and her family have been attending Harvest Church since they moved to Laramie, Wyoming for her husband, Shannon Moore’s job as assistant coach and tight ends coach and helps with special teams for the Wyoming Cowboys football team. Their membership at Harvest Church has been a great blessing to them. Lindsay has helped with the Women’s Conference there, the Vacation Bible School, and their Communion services. She is also on the church council. She has also started holding a Bible study in her home. That has
been a great blessing to all who attend. Lindsay also attends a Bible study for (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) FCA. She loves the Lord, loves her church, and really loves living in Laramie. She has flourished there and has many friends. Lindsay makes friends so easily, so that is not even a surprise. Shannon, and their daughter, Mackenzie decorated the house for her this morning as a birthday surprise. I’m sure her Bible study group really enjoyed that.
As usual, Lindsay, Shannon, and Mackenzie usually do a lot of traveling during the summer, before Shannon goes back to work, and some for games and such during the year too. Hiking is always a part of their travels. This year they went out to Minnesota for a wedding and visited some friends there and in the Brookings, South Dakota area. They showed Mackenzie where Shannon used to live and gave her a tour of South Dakota State University. They went to Houston over spring break and had a great time seeing the sights and the beach. Lindsay works for South Dakota State
University as the director of HOP…the Health and Obesity Program. She’s been very busy at work and had also traveled a couple of times for work up to South Dakota to do sight visits and for a conference. She is usually a speaker at the conference and does a great job presenting. She also went to Atlanta for a work conference and spoke at that one as well. Lindsay leads a very busy life. Today is Lindsay’s birthday. Happy birthday Lindsay!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
I always thought of my father-in-law, Walt Schulenberg as a workaholoc, and in reality, he was, but he was also a man who lived life to the fullest. Over the span of his life, he held many jobs…some of which he liked better than others. Nevertheless, no matter what he was doing for a living, he always worked hard, made his boss and his family proud, and worked with a smile on his fact. He was a very good-natured person, and that always showed in his everyday life.
People loved my father-in-law, and in fact, I never heard anyone say anything against him. He had many friends from work; craft fairs he and my mother-in-law, Joann did; and from his work remaking lawn chairs, whirligigs, toys, and other things he sold from the front porch of his house. He really never met a stranger. Every new person he met became an instant friend. His great sense of humor made him so easy to get to know, and immediately like.
One of the jobs that he especially loved was driving the bus for the Casper College T-Birds athletic teams. That job allowed him to travel and get to know they young people he transported. They loved him, and he loved them. It was a win-win situation. Of course, that meant he was occasionally away from my mother-in-law, but they had been married for many years by then, and had grown kids who could check in on her, to see if she needed anything. She didn’t really like traveling as much as he did anyway, so she was ok with that, and he got to travel.
In their later years, they used to spend winters in Yuma, Arizona. It was really the one kind of traveling my mother-in-law didn’t mind too much, at least not once the packing and unpacking of the trailer were finished. The were members of the Good Sam’s Camping Club, and so there were gatherings, and such to enjoy down there too. My father-in-law really enjoyed the time down there. He found people who needed some odd job done, because he just couldn’t stand to sit around and watch my mother-in-law crochet. Not that he didn’t want to spend time with her, but let’s face it, watching someone else crochet is a great way to fall asleep. He was never one to sit around and watch the “paint dry” anyway. Today would have been my father-in-law’s 95th birthday. Happy birthday in Heaven, Dad. We love and miss you very much.
When John Wesley Powell began his expedition through the Grand Canyon he took eleven men with him. The plan was to explore the Grand Canyon by boat. Powell was a one-armed Civil War veteran and self-trained naturalist. The men had been on their expedition for about three months, when three of the men became very concerned about the safety of the mission. Some of the rapids had been heavy, and just ahead, they could hear what the worst of the rapids. The three men, terrified of the rapids that lay ahead, were convinced that they would have a better chance of survival, if they scaled the steep cliffs to the plateau above and walked out.
It would be hard to fault the men. When the party heard the rapids, they pulled to shore and walked down to see what lay ahead. Indeed, the worst was yet to come. Upon reaching the site of the rapids on foot, they saw, in the words of one man, “the worst rapids yet.” There was no argument from Powell, who wrote that, “The billows are huge, and I fear our boats could not ride them… There is discontent in the camp tonight, and I fear some of the party will take to the mountains but hope not.”
Indeed, the three men decided that they were not going to risk the rapids, so they scaled the cliffs…a move that turned out to be not only a serious mistake but a fatal one. It wasn’t their fault really. They truly thought that Powell’s plan to float the brutal rapids was suicidal. The men were convinced that Powell’s four wooden boats would have been smashed to bits in the punishing rapids…the kind that many would hesitate to run even with modern rafts.
The next day, three of Powell’s men did leave. Convinced that the rapids were impassable, they decided to take their chances crossing the harsh desert lands above the canyon rims. So, on August 28, 1869, Seneca Howland, O G Howland, and William H Dunn said goodbye to Powell and the other men and began the long climb up out of the Grand Canyon. Once the three men left, the rest of the party steeled themselves to the ordeal that lay ahead, climbed into boats, and pushed off into the wild rapids.
While it seemed like a suicide mission, all of men survived the rapids, and the expedition emerged from the canyon the next day. Sadly, when he reached the nearest settlement, Powell learned that the three men who left had not been for fortunate. Allegedly, they encountered a war party of Shivwit Native Americans, and all
three were killed. Ironically, the three murders were initially viewed as more newsworthy than Powell’s amazing feat and the expedition gained valuable publicity. When Powell planned a second trip through the Grand Canyon in 1871, the publicity from the first trip insured that the second voyage was far better financed than the first. Sadly, the increased financing for the expedition came at great cost…to the three men who were murdered anyway.
My grandniece, Aurora Hadlock started 8th grade yesterday. I keep asking myself, “How can that be?” She was just a baby the day before that, wasn’t she? No, of course, she wasn’t, but time certainly flies. She has grown into a beautiful young lady, who is definitely her mother, Chelsea Hadlock’s mini-me! Aurora is also in her second year of volleyball and totally loves it, despite the fact that practice is before school every day at 6am!! Now that’s dedication. This past weekend, she got to go to a comic con, so she could see the guys from Twilight. She loved walking around dressed up as Max from Stranger Things and buying art and Funko Pops. Still, Aurora’s favorite thing is reading and learning. She can always be found with a few books in her bag, just in case there is a moment to read.
Aurora has her own style. She is funny, clever, weird (and proud of it!), kind, compassionate, and encouraging. Her carefree style and the ease with which she communicates with people has made her a lot of friends, all of whom she calls her “bestie”, including her grandpa, Chris Hadlock!! She’s really finding her own way, with fashion and everything else, as she is quickly becoming a young woman. I love that she is following her own heart in all things, and not being just led along by what others think is style. She may like some things others do, but only if it suits her. She is her own girl. Full of confidence and spunk!! That’s as it should be.
Aurora has a sweet heart, and she is very good with her cousins, Adelaide, Mackenzie and Jolene. They absolutely love to play with Aurora!! She never acts like they are in the way, or that their games are beneath her. Rare qualities in a teenager. They all ask if she will be there every time the family all gets together…and I’m sure she will do her best to do so. She is definitely someone they all look up to!! She is such a sweetheart!!
When I asked about story ideas for Aurora, her aunt, Lindsay Moore said, “Oh you mean, Caroline?” Lindsay then went on to say, “Aurora is such a fun character and she has perfected her southern accent! We love Aurora. She is a kind and sweet girl! She is quickly growing up, but I still want to hold her like a little teeny tiny baby! She is a kind and sweet girl!!” I think that most of us feel the very same way.
The “Caroline” part intrigued me, so I asked about it. Lindsay told me, “It’s her southern name!! Lindsay said, “Aurora is Caroline, and they named Mackenzie (Lindsay’s daughter) Savannah when we were camping together.” The story goes like this according to Chelsea, “In 5th grade, Aurora’s teacher gave the class “southern names” because she was from the south and they thought it was funny. Aurora’s southern name was Caroline, and since then she will occasionally put on a southern accent and call herself Caroline. She’s so funny.” Well, there you have it Aurora is also “Caroline” and has perfected her southern accent too!! Today, Aurora is a teenager. Happy 13th birthday Aurora!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My nephew, Wes Burr, is the partner of my niece, Cassie Franklin. Wes came along at a very low point in Cassie’s life. She had gone through a nasty divorce, and she needed someone kind to come into her life, but wondered if she could trust anyone to be that person. Wes was that person. She was finally in a good place. And her two children, Lucas and Zoey Iverson were finally in a good place. Wes treated the kids as if they were his own, from the very start, and
gave them the kind of life they desperately needed. It was a match made in Heaven and a very great relief. to everyone in the family.
These days the family has moved to a new town, where Wes and Cassie run a business together called Back to Back Cleaning Company. They also have a new little addition to their family…little Alicen. She has been pure joy, with a big dose of spunk. Recently, she picked her first apple…and promptly threw it. Cassie didn’t say what she threw it at, but from the look on Wes’ face, I think it might have been at a person, or maybe a window. Nevertheless, she was “forgiven” for this little discretion, as everyone couldn’t help but laugh. Things like this would likely have been cause for a lot of stress, and a big argument before, but Wes is very good natured and kind.
Wes and Cassie have built a loving family, where imagination, laughter, happiness are free to express themselves. Cassie and her kids didn’t have that before. When a partner comes into the lives of your niece and family, who changes everything from bad to awesome, it is impossible not to like that person. That is exactly how I feel about Wes. He is a sweet man, who has made the lives of my niece and her kids so much better. Today is Wes’ birthday. Happy birthday Wes!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
Every year, after having a carefree time of summer, the inevitable arrives…going back to school. Some kids love going back. Others hate going back, and some have mixed feelings about it. Still, there is a level of excitement for most kids, even if it’s just about new clothes and reconnecting with friends that they haven’t seen in three months. Some kids just like the routine of school, and feel bored in the summer, while others love being able to sleep in, and hate the idea of the routine of getting up, getting ready, and getting to school. At this point, most people are thinking about which of the above descriptions is them, because each of us fits in somewhere.
These days, even if kids don’t love going back to school, the latest tradition is to post pictures of the first day of school, along with what grade they are going to be in this year. Then, at the end of the year, they post last day of school pictures. The contrast between first and last day is often…amusing, as well as surprising. The first day, many are a little dressed up, or at least showing their new sense of style for the coming year, while the last day brings a very relaxed look showing that they can’t wait for summer’s arrival. Let’s face it while many kids love school, the human mind needs a break sometimes, and that is all there is to it. Anyone who doesn’t think kids need summer break, was simply never really a kid.
Some kids are heading off to college, or back to college. Some kids are continuing their elementary school
careers, starting middle school, or starting high school. Some are taking their last, first day of school pictures and some people are taking their first, first day pictures. Whatever the case may be, each one is a unique and very special memory, and one that will be cherished forever. Each picture shows how much the child has grown and changed. It also shows a child who will never be the same again. By the end of the school year, that child will have grown and become someone entirely different. That’s what school does to kids. They spread their wings a fly, even if it’s just for a little while and for a little way. The child they were is quickly becoming the adult they will be, and the pictures simply show the journey each child has taken to reach their destination.
My grandniece, Adelaide “Addi” Sawdon is growing up so fact. Addi is the daughter of my niece, Jessi Sawdon and nephew, Jason Sawdon. This school year will find Addi in third grade. She loves school and particularly science. She is excited for third grade and got to see her class on Friday night. Now she is ready to get the school year started. She is quite the social butterfly and loves to make new friends. She also has a mind of her own and knows what she wants. She recently cut her own bangs, which was also super funny! She told her mom that she wanted a change. I guess that’s one way to get change.
Addie is fun loving and creative!! She and her cousin, Mackenzie Moore are best friends, and they spent a lot of time together this summer. They went to a soccer camp at the University of Wyoming, they learned to hula hoop, and they went to a Spanish camp at Laramie County
Community College, and they went to Vacation Bible School!! The girls had so much fun at each event, and they loved having sleepovers, meeting new friends, and learning new things together. She loves Jesus and is never afraid to tell people that!! She is just getting into sports and loves basketball, volleyball, and soccer. And she also loves ninjas. Which is super funny! She loves ninjas so much that she asked for nunchucks for her birthday. Call me naive, but I had to look up exactly what nunchucks are. They are chain sticks used for fighting in Karate, so don’t mess with Adelaide Sawdon!!
She loves to snuggle and “chill” as she says. She is very funny and has a great sense of humor. She has such a sweet heart. She is developing her own style and loves dancing in her “dance outfit” in front of the mirror. Her mom says that it was so sweet. Addi comes by her dance moves naturally, because her mom and dad have great moves too. She also loves to sing just like her aunt, Kellie Hadlock. Addi is always busy, and yesterday, she was listing her favorite foods, hobbies, and the people she loves…basically a whole autobiography. Wolves are her favorite animal and so is any animal in the wolf family. She had her “friends” birthday yesterday, and about 10 friends were at her party. Her parents rented a giant bounce house water slide. The kids had a blast. Today is Addi’s 8th birthday, Happy birthday Addi!! Have a great day!! We love you!!
My nephew, Steve Spethman is a man of many talents. He is quite crafty. In addition to forging knives, he made reindeer this year. He also does metal art and made a dragon. Steve has always kept busy. He is an honorable man and has taken very good care of his family. He and my niece, Jenny Spethman have taught their children the importance of hard work and integrity. They have also taught them the importance of having God and the most important part of their lives. No matter what happens in life, you can get through it with God. Steve and Jenny know this firsthand, because their first daughter, Laila lives in Heaven, and they look forward to seeing her again when they go home.
Steve and Jenny have five children, Xander, Zack, Isaac, Laila, and Aleesia. They have always had a full house, because not only did they have their children there, but they also had their children’s friends. The Spethman house was the place to hang out…from friends, to girlfriends, everyone wanted to be at the Spethman house. Of course, in life, all things are subject to change, and this year has really been a year of change for Steve and Jenny. This summer Xander and his girlfriend, Alli Simpson moved to Colorado so she can go to college. That was really hard, because the kids were at Steve and Jenny’s every day. Their son, Zack graduated from high school and got his first full-time job. Their son, Isaac is buying a house and will moving out within the next couple of months. While Steve and Jenny aren’t officially “empty nesters” yet, they are feeling that status knocking at the door. Still, they have led very busy lives with all those kids, so they are seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel, bittersweet as it is, after having five kids.
These days, they are actually spreading their own wings a little bit. They decided to take a little getaway this year and took a trip to Las Vegas…just the two of them. I’m sure that felt strange. They have been doing a little gardening this year, and that has been a pleasant experience. They are both pretty artistic, so their gardens are beautiful. Things are different in a number of ways, but one of the biggest is that Steve is used to having his boys there to help him with things, but now the boys are having him help them. Oh, how the tables have turned. Today is Steve’s birthday. Happy birthday Steve!! Have a great day!! We love you!!