In the 1950s, most people got their milk delivered early in every morning or sometimes every few mornings. If they were one of the fortunate few, they might also have eggs delivered. That was just how it was done back then. Almost like the summertime ice cream truck many of us remember from our childhood years, you could see the milkman all over town. It was a totally separate business. Milk was not found in the grocery stores, but rather came directly from the creamery. In some ways, I think it is sad that those days are gone now. When I was a little girl…actually a baby, my dad, Allen Spencer worked in a creamery in Superior, Wisconsin. I don’t remember it, of course, but I always found it interesting. My sister, Cheryl Masterson remembers it though. She told me that Dad “worked at the creamery. He loaded and delivered tankers of milk to the places that bottled the milk. He washed and cleaned out his own tank after the deliveries, too. I remember being there sometimes at night when they sprayed them out. That was at Twin Port Dairy.”
These days the idea of the milkman and milk delivery are long since behind us, but the idea of delivery is not…it has just been revamped. When Covid-19 struck, and people were told to stay home (except for essential workers), delivery was revamped. Suddenly, people who were supposed to stay home found themselves needing things, so the only available solution was delivery. People were having food delivered, groceries delivered, even alcohol became a delivery item. Of course, companies like Amazon already existed, and delivered many items to people who didn’t want to go shop, or who wanted to save money on things. Now, suddenly the post office, UPS, and FedEx were delivering many essential items to people.
After Covid faded into the past, the delivery system, somehow didn’t. People still have many things delivered. Many grocery stores also have pick up services, making people their own delivery driver. My daughter, Amy Royce and granddaughter, Shai Royce haven’t shopped for a week’s worth of groceries since Covid. My sister, Cheryl hasn’t either. They put in their orders, and they pick up their groceries the next day. My other daughter,
Corrie Petersen and her husband, Kevin have theirs delivered to their house. People are so busy these days, that convenience is the key to a peaceful life. Whenever we go out to breakfast, we see delivery drivers picking up to go orders for delivery to their clients. People just love the convenience of having their food delivered while they stay home in their jammies, I guess. I can understand that, but we still like to go in and shop for our own groceries.
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