Monthly Archives: June 2013

imageA few days ago, I received an email from a man named Cameron Von St James. He had read my blog, and knew from many of my stories that I have spent much of the last 7 1/2 years being a caregiver. It doesn’t matter what the illness is, when the need is serious, caregivers step up to provide much of the day to day care for those they love. It is a sacrifice that goes above and beyond what many people are able to grasp, and one that is rewarding beyond what most people will ever know. Cameron knew that story as well as I did, and he asked if I might share his wife’s story of survival with my readers.

Cameron’s wife, Heather was exposed to asbestos when her dad worked in construction. At the age of 36, just 3 months after giving birth to their beautiful daughter, Lily, they would receive the terrifying diagnosis of…Mesothelioma. No one knew what the dangers were back then. Sadly, that is the case with so many dangerous substances. By the time we know the dangers, so many people are already affected, but with new research, staying hopeful and Mompositive and with much prayer, more people are beating cancer. It is my belief that our faith in God and His mercy and love for us is vital. I am so pleased that Heather has been blessed with a great victory over a type of cancer that almost always carries with it a death sentence.

Heather’s fight began at almost the same time as my mother’s brain tumor, and my cousin, Jim’s fight with Mesothelioma. My mother’s story had a happy ending in that her cancer was confined to her brain only, and had not started somewhere else in her body, which would have been much harder to cure. It is rare for a tumor to be found only in the brain. Her doctor, an amazing faith filled man named Dr Mills, told us that we were blessed in that hers was “just a Lymphoma” and it should be an easy fix. While hers could not be removed by surgery, it was a very slow growing cancer that was gone after 3 treatments, and after 6 more for good measure, she was done. She has been cancer free since January, 2007, and we give God all the glory.

Like Heather, my cousin Jim, was diagnosed with Mesothelioma. His story would not have the imagehappy ending that Heather was so blessed to have. Jim passed away in February 1, 2006…he was 42 years old, and he never knew how he was exposed to asbestos. He left a son, Cody, who misses him terribly, as do we all. While Heather’s story will not be able to help Jim, it is my sincere hope that it will help others like Heather and Jim, who have been affected by this terrible disease. Please watch Heather’s story and read Cameron’s Blog for Caregivers, and be sure to pass them on to your friends. It is the hope of the Von St James family that it “might raise awareness and support for people fighting illness, and the caregivers who fight alongside them.”

imageAs a kid, Alena was always just a little bit of a prankster. She loved pulling practical jokes on the rest of us, like the time she kicked a metal Chinese Checkers board that was beside the metal frame if her bed, causing all of us to think that someone had kicked in the big window in our living room, and our parents weren’t home. As we all scrambled around trying to figure out what was going on, Alena was laughing hysterically at the chaos she had created.

Alena always found humor in the things that most of us try to pretend we don’t laugh at. Things like tripping and falling on your face, would find Alena laughing in her shirt sleeve, while trying not to be obvious. Of course, after you picked yourself up off the floor, you had to admit that it did look pretty funny, and in reality, you had to admit that you laughed at the same things, only you left the room so no one would notice.

Of course, not everything Alena did was pranking and laughing. Every year she helps our mom plant her gardens for the summer, and pulls the old dead stuff out for her. When she gets done, the gardens look great. Gardening has never been my thing, so I’m happy to let Alena do those, and she seems to like it. She has a knack for design. The flowers are always perfectly arranged. I guess having a knack is important when it comes to flower beds.

Alena also has a flair for decorating. Not everyone can decorate and have it really look elegant, but Alena can. She uses things like wall paper or border, and bright colored paint that most of us would worry about using, for fear of it being too bright or too dark. I have often found myself wishing that I had the same flair for decorating that she has. When you have imageseen her house, it is easy to come home and thinks that your own house is…maybe a little boring, and you can’t do much about it either…unless you can get her to your house.

From a love of pranking, as a kid, to a love of decorating, as an adult, Alena has changed a lot over the years…I think. I’m pretty sure she still like those pranks quite a bit, and I have a feeling she still laughs when someone face plants in front of her, but she might be a little better at hiding it now. Today is Alena’s birthday. Happy birthday Alena!! Have a great day!! We love you!!

Amy in a Shoe BoxOur daughter, Amy was a little girl from the start, and that didn’t change as time went on.  We are not a tall family for the most part, and we like it that way. Height is not everything when it comes who a person is…in fact it has very little to do with it at all. Amy excels in anything she puts her mind to, and that is what really says who a person is. I can fully attest to how Amy works and how stubbornly she sticks to something until she gets it right, because I work with her every day. Amy has been an insurance agent for three years now, and she is one of the best.

Now, Amy’s abilities do not save her from getting teased…I mean, after all, there is nothing quite so fun as picking on the short kid, right. Amy’s husband, Travis is one of the best in that department, often calling his wife…lovingly, mind you…Midget. We have laughed about that over and over, because as we found out that depending on the source, a midget can be 5’2″ and some say 4’10”. Either way, Amy falls into that category at 4’11”, but Travis uses the term lovingly, and as I said, we like being short. My niece, Kellie, who is tall, lovingly calls us “The Wee Ones” as she picks us up to hug us. Being short is not something we are bothered by, but rather embrace.

Amy leads a busy life. She is a full time insurance agent. She works out daily. She has been instrumental in the care of her grandparents over the last 8 years. And she and Travis have started the new hobby of wine making. They love to ride their motorcycle and hanging out with friends. They have two kids, who have kept them very busy I over the years, although imageless now than before they were in high school.  When you look back at the activities of your life, sometimes you have to wonder where you found the time for everything, but Amy managed.

I am very proud of the person Amy has become. She is everything I had hoped she would be on the day she was born. And, I know that the best is yet to be. She has so much potential and she is very motivated, so I know she can do anything she wants to. Today is Amy’s birthday. Happy birthday Amy!! We love you very much!! Have a wonderful day!!

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